
Music GPT-2 Implementation with Relative Positional Embedding

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Music GPT-2 Implementation with Relative Positional Embedding

This project is an implementation of Music Transformer(https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.04281) using GPT-2.

The GPT-2 source code was used from the link below.

The difference with the GPT-2 source is that this used only decoder and relative position embedding.


  1. tensorflow 1.14
  2. numpy
  3. librosa
  4. tensorboardX
  5. tqdm
  6. python-midi https://github.com/louisabraham/python3-midi


  1. Download and extract Maestro dataset V.2.0.0 from the following link https://magenta.tensorflow.org/datasets/maestro

  2. Run preprocessing.ipynb
    Modify daestro_dir into your own maestro dataset path in the file.


  1. Modify the data_dirs and load_dir, save_dir.
    data_dirs: the directories to load preprocessed data files
    load_dir: the directory to load a model
    save_dir: the directory to save a model

  2. Run Music-GPT-2.ipynb you can increase the batch size by changing batch_size variable.


Run 'Output MIDI file' cell in Music-GPT-2.ipynb to make a new MIDI file. You should input load_dir, and variable N means the sequence length of what you want to make. It should be greater than the hyper-parameter n_time.


Training Loss Graph


Three samples created by Music-GPT-2