
Spring 3.1 BackboneJS Todo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spring 3.1 & BackboneJS todo example

If you like Spring + Backbone.js, you should have a look to RESThub

This small example application uses the following stack :

  • XML free Spring MVC 3.1 backend (no web.xml, no applicationContext.xml)
  • Spring Data based MongoDB persistence
  • BackboneJS todo example application

In order to run it :

  • Install Maven and MongoDB
  • Create /data/db directory in order to allow MongoDB to store its data
  • Run mongod daemon
  • Run the following command : "mvn clean install t7:run" (Tomcat 7) or "mvn clean install jetty:run" (Jetty 8)
  • Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/todo/