
How many food emoji can you correctly identify in 30 seconds?

Primary LanguageRuby

Food or Foe?

How many food emoji can you correctly identify in 30 seconds?

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. A wrong answer decreases your score by 1 point.

At the end of a round, add your name and score to the leaderboard!

Happy guessing!

Screnshot of Food or Foe?


git clone https://github.com/scrabill/food-or-foe.git
cd food-or-foe/backend
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails s

To play, open frontend/index.html in a browser. If you encounter any bugs or glitches while playing, please open an issue so that I can look into finding a fix.

API Endpoints

Food or Foe? has three models, each of which can be accessed at the following endpoints.


Is this game missing your favorite emoji?

To contribute, please make a pull request with at least the name of the emoji, it's character and if it is a food or not to the backend/db/seeds.rb file.

Here's how I would add 🥓 (bacon)

Emoji.create(slug: "bacon", character: "🥓", is_food?: true)
