
star wars api code challenge

Primary LanguageTypeScript

The Planets of Star Wars

The result

Using CRA, TypeScript, axios, SWR, and ChakraUI, I fulfilled these requirements:

  • Show all the Planet entries on the / route (which automatically reroutes to /planets)
  • In a new page, show details of a Planet entry
    • the route is /planets/:name
    • The relationships I chose were films and residents (people).

The considerations and features I added to the requirements were:

  • The site is mobile-responsive.
  • One can navigate to the planet page (/planets/:name) directly. One can certainly navigate to it from the home page, but they don't have to!
  • There are no images for swapi resources. I wanted to have a visual for each planet so the entire site wasn't just boring text. The visual I chose to create was in 2 parts: 1 - a generic planet image and 2 - an overlaid donut chart to give the color based on the climate of the planet. I achieved this by hand-mapping the climates of all the planets to colors provided by ChakraUI. Having an actual image for each planet would've been ideal, but that seemed like a non-essential and time-consuming problem to solve.
  • When looking at the info of a single planet, I wanted to give a sense of how a planet compared to other planets. I chose to compare the planet's diameter and population to the correlating maximums. I handled the (annoying) cases where those were "unknown".
    • Relatedly, I created utils and used a library to format numbers so they're condensed and readable. Numbers like 1000000000000 are unpleasant to read and create unpredictable DOM element widths.
  • To speed things up and avoid needless API calls:
    • Each API request is cached with swr. I used the immutable setting because it's highly unlikely that new Star Wars data would be added before a user reloaded or re-visited the page. (This is easily changed by tweaking the cache settings.)
    • The relationships data is loaded on-demand. If I were to request the films and residents for each planet on homepage load, it would take NumberOfPlanets * (NumberOfFilms + NumberOfResidents) time instead of simply NumberOfPlanets time. There are 60 planets, and guesstimated average of 4 relationships, which I didn't needlessly eager-load.
  • The color scheme is heavily Star Wars. The nav colors are Star Wars yellow, the background is black, the foreground is white to give you a feeling of being in space.
  • I added a header logo that can always navigate to the homepage.
  • I added a spinner while requests were loading.

A bit on the codebase:

  • I used hooks exclusively (no class components.)
  • I utilized TS types as much as reasonably possible.
  • The codebase is coarsely organized by domain - general stuff is in src while the swapi-specific stuff is in the src/star-wars directory. I would create more directories if the app got bigger, components, utils, etc.


  • Data schemas and validation: Having "unknown" in a lot of places, even the "title", was often surprising and needed to be accounted for.
  • I chose not to use the SWAPI JS/TS wrappers. I used axios to call the API directly. I tried swapi-ts because it had types, but I kept getting random errors and it didn't make what I was trying to do easy. These wrappers weren't up-to-snuff anyways - no unit tests and bad docs.
  • ChakraUI - I used this challenge as an excuse to use this library. There were some definite surprises with it, but it made certain things easier.
  • I wanted to spend more time designing and styling the app. There can always be more touches added!
    • Notably: number format and long name improvements

Running the app

  • use node 16
  • npm i
  • npm start - local dev
  • npm build - create production deploy
  • Use Netlify for deployments