
Example FastAPI project to connect to various DBs (PostgreSQL, Redis, S3) and CRUD operations for each of them

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FastAPI example project for DB connections

In this repo, we have a FastAPI example project that

  • you can develop with Docker and docker-compose
  • connects to a PostgreSQL database with SQLModel and sqlalchemy with CRUD operations examples
  • connects to Redis with CRUD operations examples
  • connects to S3 with CRUD operations examples
  • has basic unit tests
  • has a simple CI pipeline yaml file for CircleCI

How to develop it?

Spin up docker-compose

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Now under localhost:8004/docs, you can find the APIs.



$ docker-compose exec web pytest .

you can run the tests and with something like

$ docker-compose exec web pytest tests/test_user.py

you can run specific tests, in this case for the rights endpoints of the API.

Use docker-compose logs web to check the logs of the FastAPI server.

To bring the docker containers down, simply run

$ docker-compose down -v

Push to Docker Hub

You can use something analogous to the following to push the image to Docker Hub:

docker build -f src/Dockerfile -t scraiber/fastapi-db-example:v1.0.0 .
docker push scraiber/fastapi-db-example:v1.0.0

Setup PyCharm virtual environment (for Python 3.12)

First, create a virtual environment for Python 3.12. Then run

python3.12 -m ensurepip --upgrade
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools

in the terminal. After this, you can install the packages in requirements.txt.