
A Ruby DSL for prototyping card games.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Squib Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status Inline docs

Squib is a Ruby DSL for prototyping card and board games. Write a little bit of Ruby, define your deck's stats, and you can compile your game into a series of images ready for print-and-play or even print-on-demand. Squib is very data-driven and built on the principle of Don't Repeat Yourself. Think of it like nanDeck done "the Ruby way". Squib supports:

  • A concise set of rules for laying out your cards
  • Loading PNGs and SVGs using Cairo
  • Complex text rendering using Pango
  • Reading xlsx and csv files
  • Rendering to individual PNGs or PDF sheets
  • Flexible, data-driven layouts in Yaml
  • Basic shape drawing
  • Unit conversion
  • The full power of Ruby!

Check this out.

require 'squib'

Squib::Deck.new(cards: 2) do
  text str: %w(Hello World!)

We just created a 2-card deck with "Hello" on the first card, and "World" on the second, and saved them out to PNGs.


Install it yourself with:

$ gem install squib

If you're using Bundler, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'squib'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Note: Squib has some native dependencies, such as Cairo, Pango, and Nokogiri, which may require compiling C code to install. This is usually not painful at all, but can cause headaches on some setups. For Windows users, I strongly recommend using the non-64 bit RubyInstaller at http://rubyinstaller.org along with installing DevKit. For Mac, I recommend using rvm.

Note: Squib requires Ruby 2.0 or later.

Getting Started

After installing Squib, you can create a project and run your first build like this:

$ squib new my-cool-game
$ cd my-cool-game
$ ruby deck.rb

The squib new command will generate files and folders like this:


The central file here is deck.rb. Here's a basic example of a deck to work from:

{include:file:samples/basic.rb basic.rb}

About the other files:

  • Gemfile is for adding in other gems if you are using bundler
  • config.yml is a skeleton config file with various options commented out. See {file:README.md#Configuration_File Configuration File}.
  • layout.yml is a skeleton layout file if you want to use it. See {file:README.md#Custom_Layouts Custom Layouts}.
  • _output is the directory where your built files will go. Can easily be changed, of course.
  • .gitignore and gitkeep.txt are for if you are using Git. See {file:README.md#Source_control Source control}. (Feel free to remove these if you are not using Git.)
  • ABOUT.md and PHP NOTES.md are Markdown files for posting. Not used by Squib, but there by convention.
  • Rakefile is a basic build file. Not required but handy - see {file:README.md#Rakefile Rakefile}

Learning Squib

After going over this README, here are some other places to go learn Squib:

  • The YARD-generated API documentation for the latest Squib gem is a method-by-method reference. The Deck class is the main class to look at. If you are following Squib master, see the latest version
  • The samples directory in the source repository has lots of examples.
  • Junk Land is my own creation that's uses Squib for both black-and-white print-and-play and full color.

Viewing this README

The best place to read this documentation is on our website.

If you want to view it offline, you can do the following

$ gem install yard
$ yard server --gems

Then go to http://localhost:8808/docs/squib/file/README.md

If you're viewing this on Github, you might see some confusing tags like {include:file:...} - these are directives for YARD to show the embedded examples. Github doesn't render those and you might find them helpful.

Also, RubyDoc.info linked from RubyGems is buggy and doesn't support {include:file...} directive properly, so the embedded samples will also not show up there.

Squib API

The Squib DSL is based on a collection of methods provided to the Squib::Deck class. The general philosophy of Squib is to specify as little as possible with layers of defaults, highly flexible input, and good ol' Ruby duck-typing. Ruby does a lot to make Squib useful.

Squib essentially has two main classes: Deck and Card. Deck is the front-end, and Card is the back-end. The contract of Deck is to do the various manipulations of options and then delegate the operation to Card to do the low-level graphical operations.

For most users, I recommending solely using Deck methods. If you want to roll up your sleeves and get your hands messy, you can access the Cairo or Pango contexts the directly via the Card class. The API documentation doesn't really cover these, however, so you're on your own there.

Specifying Parameters

Squib is all about sane defaults and shorthand specification. Arguments are almost always using hashes, which look a lot like Ruby 2.0's named parameters. This means you can specify your parameters in any order you please. All parameters are optional. For example x and y default to 0 (i.e. the upper-left corner of the card). Any parameter that is specified in the command overrides any Squib defaults, config.yml settings, or layout rules.

Note: you MUST use named parameters rather than positional parameters. For example: save :png will lead to an error like this:

C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/squib-0.0.3/lib/squib/api/save.rb:12:in `save': wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1) (ArgumentError)
    from deck.rb:22:in `block in <main>'
    from C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/squib-0.0.3/lib/squib/deck.rb:60:in `instance_eval'
    from C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/squib-0.0.3/lib/squib/deck.rb:60:in `initialize'
    from deck.rb:18:in `new'
    from deck.rb:18:in `<main>'

Instead, you must name the parameters: save format: :png

Arrays and Singleton Expansion

Many inputs to Squib can accept Arrays, which correspond to the entire deck. In fact, under the hood, if Squib is not given an array, it expands it out to an array before rendering. This allows for different styles to apply to different cards. This example comes from the ranges.rb example

# This renders three cards, with three strings that had three different colors at three different locations.
text str: %w(red green blue),
     color: [:red, :green, :blue],
     x: [40, 80, 120],
     y: [700, 750, 800]

Under the hood, Squib actually views every argument as applied each card individually. If a single argument is given to the command, it's considered a singleton that gets expanded into a deck-sized array. Supplying the array bypasses that array. This means that any array you supply instead of a singleton ought to be the same size as the deck and align the same way the indexes in the supplied range are.

Specifying Ranges

Most public Deck methods allow a range to be specified as a first parameter. This parameter is used to access an internal Array of Squib::Cards. This can be an actual Ruby range, or anything that implements #each (thus can be an Enumerable). Integers are also supported for changing one card only. Negatives work from the back of the deck. Here are some examples from samples/ranges.rb found here



By default, Squib thinks in pixels. This decision was made so that we can have pixel-perfect layouts without automatically scaling everything, even though working in units is sometimes easier. We provide some conversion methods, including looking for strings that end in "in" and "cm" and computing based on the current DPI. Example is in samples/units.rb found here


Note: we do not support unit conversion on save_pdf and Squib::Deck.new(), yet

Specifying Colors

Colors can be specified in a wide variety of ways, mostly in a hex-string. Take a look at the examples from samples/colors.rb, found here


Under the hood, Squib uses the rcairo color parser to accept a variety of color specifications, along with over 300 pre-defined constants.

Specifying Files

All files opened for reading or writing (e.g. for png and xlsx) are opened relative to the current directory. Files opened for writing (e.g. for save_png) will be overwritten without warning.

Custom Layouts

Working with x-y coordinates all the time can be tiresome, and ideally everything in a game prototype should be data-driven and easily changed. For this, many Squib methods allow for a layout to be set. In essence, layouts are a way of setting default values for any argument given to the command.

To use a layout, set the layout: option on a Deck.new command to point to a YAML file. Any command that allows a layout option can be set with a Ruby symbol or String, and the command will then load the specified x, y, width, and height. The individual command can also override these options.

Note: YAML is very finnicky about having not allowing tabs. Use two spaces for indentation instead. If you get a Psych syntax error, this is likely the culprit. Indendation is also strongly enforced in Yaml too. See the Yaml docs.

Layouts will override Squib's defaults, but are overriden by anything specified in the command itself. Thus, the order of precedence looks like this:

  • Use what the command specified
  • If anything was not yet specified, use what was given in a layout (if a layout was specified in the command and the file was given to the Deck)
  • If still anything was not yet specified, use what was given in Squib's defaults.

Layouts also allow merging, extending, and combining layouts. The sample demonstrates this, but they are also explained below. See the layouts.rb sample found here


Merge Keys and extends

Since Layouts are in Yaml, we have the full power of that data format. One particular feature you should look into are "merge keys". With merge keys, you can define base styles in one entry, then include those keys elsewhere. For example:

icon: &icon
  width: 50
  height: 50
  <<: *icon
  x: 100
# The layout for icon_left will have the width/height from icon!

Also!! Squib provides a more feature-rich way of merging: the extends key in layouts. When defining an extends key, we can merge in another key and modify data coming in if we want to. This allows us to do things like set an inner object that changes its location based on its parent.

  x: 100
  y: 100
  radius: 100
  extends: yin
  x: += 50

Furthermore, if you want to extend multiple parents, it looks like this:

  x: 100
  y: 200
    - socrates
    - plato
  x: += 50

Multiple layout files

Squib also supports the combination of multiple layout files. As shown in the above example, if you provide an Array of files then Squib will merge them sequentially. Colliding keys will be completely re-defined by the later file. Extends is processed after each file. YAML merge keys are NOT supported across multiple files - use extends instead. Here's a demonstrative example:

# load order: a.yml, b.yml

# file a.yml #
  x: 100
  extends: grandparent
  x: += 10   # evaluates to 110
  extends: grandparent
  x: += 20   # evaluates to 120

# file b.yml #
  extends: parent_a
  x: += 3    # evaluates to 113
parent_b:    # redefined
  extends: grandparent
  x: += 30   # evaluates to 130
  extends: parent_b
  x: += 3    # evaluates to 133

This can hopefully be helpful for:

  • Creating a base layout for structure, and one for color (for easier color/black-and-white switching)
  • Sharing base layouts with other designers

Built-in Layout Files

If your layout file is not found in the current directory, Squib will search for its own set of layout files (here's the latest the development version on GitHub. See the layouts.rb sample found here for some demonstrative examples.

Configuration File

Squib supports various configuration properties that can be specified in an external file. The config: option in Deck.new can specify an optional configuration file in YML format. The properties there are intended to be immutable for the life of the Deck. The options include:

  • progress_bars (Boolean, default: false). When set to true, long-running operations will show a progress bar on the command line.
  • dpi (Integer, default: 300). Used in calculations when units are used (e.g. for PDF rendering and unit conversion).
  • hint (ColorString, default: off). Text hints are used to show the boundaries of text boxes. Can be enabled/disabled for individual commands, or set globally with the set command. This setting is overriden by set and individual commands.
  • custom_colors (Hash of Colors, default: {}). Defines globally-available colors available to the deck that can be specified in commands.

The following sample demonstrates the config file.

See the custom_config sample found here


Importing from Excel and CSV

Squib supports importing data from xlsx files and csv files. These methods are column-based, which means that they assume you have a header row in your table, and that header row will define the column. Squib will return a Hash of Arrays correspoding to each row. Warnings are thrown on things like duplicate columns. See the excel.rb and the csv_import.rb sample found here.


Of course, you can always import your game data other ways using just Ruby. There's nothing special about Squib's methods other than their convenience.

Making Squib Verbose

By default, Squib's logger is set to WARN, but more fine-grained logging is embedded in the code. To set the logger, just put this at the top of your script:

Squib::logger.level = Logger::INFO

If you REALLY want to see tons of output, you can also set DEBUG, but that's not intended for general consumption.

Staying DRY

Squib tries to keep you DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) with the following features:

  • Custom layouts allow you to specify various arguments in a separate file. This is great for x-y coordinates and alignment properties that would otherwise clutter up perfectly readable code. Yaml's "merge keys" takes this a step further and lets you specify base styles that can then be extended by other styles. Squib goes even further and has a special "extends" that works especially well for grouped-together styles.
  • Flexible ranges and array handling: the range parameter in Squib is very flexible, meaning that one text command can specify different text in different fonts, styles, colors, etc. for each card. If you find yourself doing multiple text command for the same field across different ranges of cards, there's probably a better way to condense.
  • Custom colors keep you from hardcoding magic color strings everywhere. Custom colors go into config.yml file.
  • Plus, you know, Ruby.

Source control

You are using source control, right??

By default, Squib assumes Git. But it's not dogmatic about it. Tracking your progress, backing up, sharing data, topic branches, release management, and reverting into history are just some of the many, many useful things you can do with source control. For me, I tend to ignore any auto-generated files in my output folder, but version control everything else. I also try to keep my graphics vector files, so the files stay small. Version control is intended for source code, so large binary files that change often probably should not get checked in unless absolutely necessary. I tend to keep big raster graphics files (e.g. from Gimp) in cloud storage or elsewhere.


Using SublimeText? I like you already. I've written up some Squib snippets to ease remembering Squib commands. It's called Squib Snippets on Package Control. Compatible with SublimeText 3. Source code is also on Github (contributions welcome!). Check it out:

Sublime Squib Snippets

Decks with multiple orientations or sizes

If you want to make a deck that has some portrait and some landscape cards, I recommend you use multiple Squib::Decks. The pixel size of a given card is designed to not change thorughout the life of a Squib::Deck. To work with landscape cards, there is a rotate option on save_png so you can render your print-on-demand PNGs in portrait but keep everything else oriented toward landscape. The following example demonstrates how to do this, found here.



When you run squib new, you are given a basic Rakefile. At this stage of Squib, it's basically just a shortcut for ruby deck.rb. But, even in this simple form this Rakefile has some advantages:

  • If you're in a subdirectory at the time, rake will simply traverse up and cd to the proper directory so you don't get rogue _output directories
  • If you find yourself building multiple decks, you can make your own tasks for each one individually, or all (e.g. rake marketing)
  • Don't need the require squib at the top of your code (although that breaks ruby deck.rb, so it's probably a bad idea)


Squib is currently in pre-release alpha, so the API is still maturing. I do change my mind about the names and meaning of things at this stage. If you are using Squib, however, I'd love to hear about it! Feel free to file a bug or feature request.


Squib is an open source tool, and I would love participation. If you want your code integrated:

  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/squib/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

What's up the with the name?

Truthfully, I just thought it was a cool, simple word that was not used much in the Ruby community nor the board game community. But, now that I've committed to the name, I've realized that:

  • Squibs are small explosive devices, much like Squib "explodes" your rules into a playable game
  • Squibs are often used in heist movies, leading to a sudden plot twist that often resembles the twists of good tabletop game
  • Squibs are also part of the Harry Potter world - they are people who are non-magical but wizard-born. Squib is aware of wizarding magic and comes from that heritage, but it's not magical itself.