
A simple web application to allow a map of stores that carry gaming products. Not very generic at the moment, but the plan is to expand.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

== Welcome to the Community Map

This is a very first release of an applicaton for displaying and managing a database of 
stores that relate to you and your community. Right now it is geared toward the miniature
gaming hobby, specifically the smaller and alternative 30mm scale games, however this could
easily be changed by changing the seed data of what types of stores are loaded into the 

The main branch has the general application and style, while the handcannon-style branch 
has a site styled for the initial deployment at community.handcannononline.com, the blog 
and ezine that this application was initially designed and developed for.

The eventual goal of this project is to have an easily styleable drop in community points of 
interest map for any community. To that end it will probably end up as a rails engine at some 
point in the future and drop most of its authentication and authorization logic in favor of 
using whatever the hosting app supplies.

Thank you for your interest and if you have any questions please contact the author.
Hunter Thomas <archangelq@gmail.com>