- 0
- 3
Camoufox Integration
#326 opened by Ehsan-U - 2
Scrapy-playwright not sending a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded when just Playwright does
#329 opened by DaveB93 - 2
meta['playwright_page'] is None on first few attempts at using scrapy playwright
#317 opened by rubmz - 3
#327 opened by junior-g - 1
Modify Response object
#328 opened by Ehsan-U - 2
RAM spikes on Timeout
#325 opened by Pat-1337 - 1
Scrapy playwright will just not return 'page' in metadata
#319 opened by rubmz - 2
- 1
When I trigger the download event and get the file response, an exception is thrown because of the wrong Content-Encoding
#321 opened by ma-pony - 1
Request Retry on Page Error
#324 opened by Ehsan-U - 1
- 4
Firefox does not work with proxy.
#320 opened by bboyadao - 4
- 1
Question: Intercepting JS and CSS reponses
#315 opened by ivanvza - 4
ScrapyDeprecationWarning for custom_headers
#314 opened by blacksteel1288 - 3
- 1
Are chrome and msedge supported?
#313 opened by bboyadao - 1
take a screenshot in process_spider_exception
#309 opened by blacksteel1288 - 1
- 0
- 2
Can't launch browser in headful mode
#306 opened by gelodefaultbrain - 9
- 8
- 7
- 1
- 2
expect(locator) not supported?
#301 opened by crimsonduelist - 8
- 1
#269 opened by partyspy - 8
- 7
Scrapy hangs with no exception raised
#266 opened by Zhou-Haowei - 1
Specify a different browser for each request
#296 opened by muddlelife - 7
- 2
scrapy-playwright connect to remote firefox instance
#277 opened by Ehsan-U - 1
- 3
Issue running scrape on Mac
#264 opened by lovgrandma - 4
Why can't my Playwright run concurrently?
#282 opened by dream2333 - 3
- 1
- 3
- 14
KeyError: 'playwright_page'
#272 opened by Nekender02 - 2
Cannot download binary file (PDF) any browser
#275 opened by tommylge - 6
awswaf challenge http status 202
#268 opened by icaca - 1
- 1
- 1
my URL changes when scrapy.request
#267 opened by zaheerkzz - 2
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Inconsistent behavior between scrapy_playwright and playwright when accessing web pages
#265 opened by LoyAngel - 3
Page refreshes unexpectedly on form submission instead of loading dynamic results
#263 opened by cjamesanderson - 3
How to disable file download?
#261 opened by NiuBlibing