
Fill HTML login forms automatically

Primary LanguagePython


https://secure.travis-ci.org/scrapy/loginform.png?branch=master Coverage report

loginform is a library for filling HTML login forms given the login url, username & password. Which form and fields to fill are inferred automatically.

It's implemented on top of lxml form filling, and thus depends on lxml.


Usage is very simple and best illustrated with an example:

>>> from loginform import fill_login_form
>>> import requests
>>> url = "https://github.com/login"
>>> r = requests.get(url)
>>> fill_login_form(url, r.text, "john", "secret")
([('authenticity_token', 'FQgPiKd1waDL+pycPH8IGutirTnP69SiZgm0zXwn+VQ='),
  ('login', 'john'),
  ('password', 'secret')],

And it is possible to use it as a tool to quickly debug a login form:

$ python -m loginform -u john -p secret https://github.com/login
url: https://github.com/session
method: POST
- authenticity_token: FQgPiKd1waDL+pycPH8IGutirTnP69SiZgm0zXwn+VQ=
- login: john
- password: secret


A collection of real-world samples is used to keep this library tested. Those samples are managed as follows:

First, you select a site to try, find out its login url, and run the following command to try loginform on it:

$ python test_samples.py https://github.com/login

From the output you can judge if it worked or not. If it worked, great. If it didn't, you would hack loginform.py to make it work and then add the sample with:

$ python test_samples.py https://github.com/login -w github

Note that we gave the sample a name (github in this case).

To list all available samples use:

$ python test_samples.py -l

To run all tests, install tox and run:

$ tox