
provide nunjucks base tag to make it easy to write custom tag

Primary LanguageJavaScript


provide nunjucks base tag to make it easy to write custom tag.

NPM Version Build Status


  npm install nunjucks-tag --save


const Tag = require('nunjucks-tag');
class CustomTag extends Tag {
  constructor() {
    this.nodeName = 'div';
  render(context, attrs, body) {
    // provide your custom logic
    return super.render(context, attrs, body());

const assert = require('assert');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
const env = nunjucks.configure('/view');
end.addExtension('custom', new CustomTag());
const html = env.renderString('{% custom attr=someVar %}{% endcustom %}', {someVar: "test"});
assert(html, '<div attr="test"></div>');


  • end: whether as a close tag, default true
  • useCustomParser: whether using custom parser, default true
  • nodeName: the output html element's tag name, default as tagName
  • tagName: the tag name use in template


  • render(context, attrs, body):String - The actual renderFn, extend it to provide custom logic
  • convertAttrs(attrs):String - Convert attrs to html attribute string

Custom parser rules

  • Comma between attributes is optional.
  • Attribute keys should only match 1 of the following 2 patterns:
    • String ("data-key"="value" key="value")
    • Symbol with hyphen (data-key="value")
  • Attributes without value must be a simple symbol or an expression

Attribute convert rules

  • all the attr name && value will be escape
  • single attrs
    • only string will be output & escape, "disabled" sVar "<" => disabled sVal &lt;
    • string with space will be ignore, "a space" => nothing
    • number/array/object/falsely will be ignore, 123, [12,13] {a:'b'} undefined false null => nothing
  • key-value attrs
    • string/number will output as escape string, a1=123 a2="t" a3="<div" => a1="123" a2="t" a3="&lt;div"
    • SafeString will output as what they are, attr2="<div"|safe => attr2="<div"
    • object/array will output as String(item), a1={} a2=["a", "b"] => a1="[object Object] a2="[object Array]"
    • undefined/null will ignore, attr1=undefined attr2=null => nothing

More Example