
ZohoCRM 7.x port

Primary LanguagePHP

Setting up zohoCRM module

  1. Download zohocrm library from github.
  2. configure Zoho CRM API auth token at admin/settings/zohocrm/settings
  3. Add (create) field mapping
  4. Configure fields for field mapping at admin/settings/zohocrm/mapping/<mapping_name>/fields
  5. Install and configure rules module to trigger sending of Drupal data to Zoho every time user object (or node) is saved.

Note: zohoCRM module required curl/php-curl installed to work. WSOD if php-curl is not installed.

Testing Install

Assuming you have zohocrm, zohocrm_user and zohocrm_node enabled, PHP library installed and auth token configured.

  1. Go to admin/settings/zohocrm/mapping/add and create field mapping: Mapping Name: user_contact Mapping Description: Maps Drupal user object to Zoho's Contact Drupal Endpoint: User Account Zoho Module: Contacts

  2. Go to admin/settings/zohocrm/mapping/user_contact/fields and map the fields in the "Drupal to Zoho" fieldset Email => E-mail First Name => Username Last Name => Username

  3. Create content type "profile" and add two CCK textfields (assuming CCK module has been installed previously): First Name Last Name

  4. Install content_profile module Need to enable all the (sub) modules content_profile_tokens, content_profile_registration. Also need to install token module

  5. Go to admin/content/types/profile and check the checkbox "Use this content type as a content profile for users"

  6. Go to admin/settings/zohocrm/mapping/add and create field mapping: Mapping Name: profile_contact Mapping Description: Maps profile node to Zoho's Contact Drupal Endpoint: Content Type: Profile Zoho Module: Contacts

  7. Go to admin/settings/zohocrm/mapping/profile_contact/fields and map the fields in the "Drupal to Zoho" fieldset First Name => First Name Last Name => Last Name

  8. Install rules module

  9. Create rule with the following properties: Event: User - User account has been created Action: Zoho CRM - Send user account data to Zoho (select mapping user_contact)

  10. Create rule with the following properties: Event: User - User account details have been updated Action: Zoho CRM - Send user account data to Zoho (select mapping user_contact)

  11. Create rule with the following properties: Event: Node - After saving new content Condition: Node - content has type (select Profile content type) Action: Zoho CRM - Send node data to Zoho (select mapping profile_contact)

  12. Create rule with the following properties: Event: Node - After updating existing content Condition: Node - content has type (select Profile content type) Action: Zoho CRM - Send node data to Zoho (select mapping profile_contact)

As you can see from the above description, due to lack of custom fields in Drupal user object we are forced to use content_profile module if we want to sync Drupal user with Zoho Contact.

If you would like to sync Account data from Drupal to Zoho you would create content type Account, create CCK fields you want to be synced to Zoho and then perform similar steps as describe above. However, this time you would need only one field mapping (Account node to Zoho Accounts) and two rules (one for node insert and one for node update event).

  1. There is a Drupal variable which you can use to enable debug messages. Every time data is being sent to Zoho you will get outgoing data and Zoho response printed on the page as drupal message as well as logged in the file /tmp/drupal_debug.txt. This functionality depends on devel module so make sure devel is enabled before you enable the variable. There is no UI for configuring this variable but you can use drush to quickly turn it on:

Enable debug mode: drush vset zohocrm_debug_mode 1

Disable debug mode: drush vset zohocrm_debug_mode 0