
🧰 A toolchain built from scratch.

🧰 scratchese toolchain ⚙️

A toolchain purely built up from scratch.

Where are you from?

I am built from scratch

Oh! you are the scratchese


Topic: https://github.com/topics/scratchese

Scratchese Citizens

name Similar library Category CI Project Status Todo
node-runner nodemon, babel-watch tool node-runner stable
git-hooks husky tool git-hooks stable
node-server express, koa framework node-server RC-2 router, params
server-logger morgan server server-logger stable
body-parser body-parser server body-parser WIP better handle
markdeck mdx-deck creativity markdeck stable demo video
levelize mongoose, level-mongo db driver markdeck WIP towards to MVP

Immigrate to Scratch

  1. Build everything from scratch

  2. nearly ZERO dependencies

  3. Open source

  4. Minimalism

  5. Innovative

Starter kit (origin)



  • benchmark
    • pkg size
    • speed
  • Code of conduct