LofiAnime.com is a simple Next.js 13 app to generate lofi-anime inspired landscape images.

Getting Started


First, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/alpinecodex/lofianime.git

Install Dependencies

Open the newly created lofianime project and install dependencies.

cd lofianime
npm install

Setting up environment variables

Go to your Vercel dashboard and create a new Postgres database. (You can also use other services like Supabase or PlanetScale. If you opt to use a MySQL database, you may need to alter the schema.prisma file. Alternatively, you could create a local database on your machine.)

Create an account on Upstash and create a Redis database.

Duplicate .env.example and create an .env file in the root of your directory. Add all required environment variables for this project:

  1. Create a NextAuth secret
  2. Create Google credentials for OAuth
  3. Add Vercel Postgres configuration
  4. Create a Replicate account and add your API key
  5. Add REST URL and access token for Upstash

Using Prisma

Push schema to the database and generate Prisma client

npx prisma db push

Running the application

Run the application locally.

npm run dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

One-click Deploy on Vercel

Deploy with Vercel


Your feedback and contributions are welcome! Please create an issue on this repository and describe any issues. Alternatively, fork this repository, make changes, and create a pull request.

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