Get Someecards Meme Ecard Links By Category and Month

Scrape a list of meme ecard URLs from the website. Built with Node.js and Puppeteer.

Example output file:


Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone
cd Get-Someecards-Meme-Links
npm install

How to use

To run, type:

npm run build

By default, this will collect all ecard URLs and save to './dist/ecard-links.json'.

Configuration options

You can include/exclude categories from the output file, using an optional configuration file. Start by copying config-sample.json to config.json.

There are two ways to limit categories, a whitelist or a blacklist. Using a whitelist will include only the chosen categories. Using a blacklist will include all categories except the chosen ones.

In config.json, add category slugs to the "whitelist.categories" or "blacklist.categories" array. If there are items in both, only the whitelist will be used.

Whitelist example:

    "whitelist": {
        "categories": [

Blacklist example:

    "blacklist": {
        "categories": [

To see a list of available category slugs, type:

node index.js -lcs

Here's the current list, as of 5/31/20:
