
Programming language : Python


Dataset is famous 20 newsgroups dataset you can find the dataset freely here


+python 3.XXX


  • nltk for preprocessing the text
  • os
  • pickle to save the data-structures


  • Done the pre-processing i.e removing the stop words, symbols, numbers, stemming, upper to lower

  • Divide the data into train and test.

    • There are 20 folders where each folder contains around 1000 documents out of which 850 are used for training and 150 are for testing
  • construct the vocabulary and build frequency dictionary of each words

  • Since we are using * Naive Bayes * as classifier we have to use smoothing in order to generalise for un known words from test set.

  • for smoothing tried 1,5,10,100 as values.

  • Now when we give un known test document it will calculate the probabilty of test doc belongs to each class with different smoothing values and finds the most probable class.