The repository for *Screeps's* TypeScript type definitions.
- 1
- 1
typings are deprecated
#128 opened by antonmarin - 1
- 4
Interfaces instead of declared classes
#123 opened by dbaileychess - 0
- 0
RoomVisual constructor
#121 opened by thaelina - 7
assigning literal values to constants
#110 opened by bonzaiferroni - 0
Room.createFlag and RoomPosition.createFlag return type is number, when it can also be a string of the Flag's name
#119 opened by pathurs - 3
Typescript 2 is stable
#90 opened by Dessix - 2
Issues with RoomVisual
#109 opened by chobobobo - 5
Allow typing of default memory objects
#60 opened by seancl - 2
Object for defining globals
#79 opened by dmarcuse - 3
RoomPosition.inRangeTo parameter type is too narrow
#101 opened by Torins - 2
- 0
Creep body part typings suggestion
#91 opened by Dessix - 3
Export to
#21 opened by glukki - 0
nuker added to CONSTRUCTION_COST constant.ts
#80 opened by rogerreeder - 0
Missing Nuke class
#53 opened by seancl - 1
Room.createFlag definition
#59 opened by AlinaNova21 - 2
- 1
Source should be class?
#52 opened by Moredread - 1
StructureSpawn should be a class
#54 opened by seancl - 1
flag.roomName no longer works
#37 opened by perennialinnocence - 1
#40 opened by seancl - 0
- 1
Spawn.recycleCreep missing?
#26 opened by perennialinnocence - 0
- 3
"Map" definition conflicts with ES6 "Map" target
#18 opened by Dessix - 1
Missing extrends
#17 opened by thorning - 4
- 6
Take over of the repo and npm package
#13 opened by NhanHo - 3
- 5
Problem with the Game arrays
#11 opened by Strategic-Link-Consulting - 1
filter and algorithm should be made optional.
#10 opened by shixish - 1
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- 0
RoomPosition class is not documented
#1 opened by MarkoSulamagi - 0