
please help me

muhdhabeeb opened this issue · 10 comments

[!]::[Check Dependencies]:
[✔]::[Distro]: Kali
[✔]::[Release]: kali-rolling
[✔]::[Check User]: root
[✔]::[Terminal]: local
[✔]::[Internet Connection]: CONNECTED!
[✔]::[Medusa: Installation found!
[✔]::[Crunch]: Installation found!
[✔]::[Cewl]: Installation found!
[x]::[warning]:this script require fcrackzip installed to work

[!]::Please install fcrackzip to work properly

type apt-get install fcrackzip and install it

what a question .... xD

Type: sudo apt-get install fcrackzip

type apt-get install fcrackzip and install it

Hey i have tried using the sudo command

root@kali:/home/vrj# apt-get install fcrackzip
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package fcrackzip

can u please help me resolve this issue

@imvrajshah Try
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install fcrackzip -y

Maybe your repositories are a bit outdated.

[!]::[Check Dependencies]:
[✔]::[Distro]: Kali
[✔]::[Release]: kali-rolling
[✔]::[Check User]: root
[✔]::[Terminal]: local
[✔]::[Internet Connection]: CONNECTED!
[✔]::[Medusa: Installation found!
[✔]::[Crunch]: Installation found!
[✔]::[Cewl]: Installation found!
[x]::[warning]:this script require fcrackzip installed to work

[!]::Please install fcrackzip to work properly

If you are using ubuntu terminal on windows, Try using

Sudo apt install fcrackzip

i need help for the fcrackzip install


did you solve it out

[!]:: [ Check Dependencies]
[✔️]:: [check user]
[✔]::[Distro]: Kali
[✔]::[Release]: kali-rolling
[x]:: [not root]: you need to be [root] to run this script.

what Should i do

can anyone help me proxy is not working it says ip is on instagram jail