A client side data visualization application for use with the signal processing algorithms in ConvoLab.
The application is intended to provide a web based data analysis tool in the tradition of Octave, Scilab, etc.:
- Provide a sandbox playground for performing and experimenting with a variety of signal processing functions powered by ConvoLab
- Full featured plotting in both 2D and 3D
- Server access through websockets
Can import the ConvoLab algorithm library directly or communicate with the server side application ConvoHio using websockets.
Sandbox sequence might look something like:
>> var x = [0, 1, 2, 3];
>> var y = fft(x);
>> p1 = plot(y.real);
>> p1.grid();
>> p1.xlabel('time (samples)');
>> p1.ylabel('amplitude');
>> p1.title('Waveform');
>> p1.date(true);
Simple websocket access:
import 'package:convolab/convolab.dart';
void main() {
String host = 'local';
int port = 8080;
var request = 'Send data request';
var display = query('#text');
Future reqData = requestDataWS(host, port, request, display);
reqData.then((data) {
List real = data["real"];
List imag = data["imag"];
plot(real, 1, 2);
plot(imag, 2, 2);
A sample plot from the plotting tool: