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Hng Internship Task one

Task: Frontend Page Creation with Specific Elements

Objective: Develop and host a web page using HTML and CSS that showcases specific personal and real-time data attributes. Each required element should have a specified data-testid attribute for easy identification and testing.


Slack Name: Display your Slack name prominently. Attribute: data-testid="slackUserName" Slack Display Picture: Showcase your Slack profile picture. The image's alt attribute should be your Slack username. Attribute: data-testid="slackDisplayImage" Current Day of the Week: Indicate the current day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday). Attribute: data-testid="currentDayOfTheWeek" Current UTC Time: Display the current UTC time in milliseconds. Attribute: data-testid="currentUTCTime" Track: Mention your track (e.g Frontend). Attribute: data-testid="myTrack" GitHub URL: Provide a clickable link to your GitHub repository where the source code for this task resides. Attribute: data-testid=“githubURL”