Lit AI Agent

This example demonstrates how Lit Actions can be used to create tools and policies for on-chain agents. Tools allow agents to perform specific actions (i.e. "swap ETH for ARB") while policies dictate how a given tool is used (i.e. "If swap amount is greater than $100, require human approval").

The following Lit Action policies are immutable (deployed to IPFS), and require governance approval (via SAFE) in order to be executed by the agent.

Overview Video



You'll need the following environment variables set up:

Private Keys


    • On Base mainnet:
      • Safe deployment gas fees
      • PKP Tools contract deployment
      • Adding Lit Action IPFS CIDs to the PKP Tools contract
      • First signature for Safe transactions
    • On Lit's Chronicle Yellowstone:
      • PKP minting costs
      • Capacity Credits minting costs
    • Requirements:

    • On Base mainnet:
      • Second signature for Safe transactions
    • Requirements:
      • Small amount of ETH on Base mainnet for gas fees

API Keys


    • Required for the OpenAI GPT-4o-mini model execution
      • Please ensure this model is enabled on your OpenAI API key
    • Used for parsing intent and executing actions
    • If you'd like to use a different model or provider, you can modify ./src/utils/subAgentUtils.ts.

    • Required for contract verification on BaseScan


    • RPC URL for Base mainnet (public URL provided in .env.example)

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd lit-ai-agent
  3. Install dependencies: yarn
  4. Create environment file: cp .env.example .env
  5. Add required keys to .env

Running the Example

  1. Compile the PKP Tools contract:
yarn compile
  1. Run the example:
yarn start
  1. Verify the contract (optional):
yarn verify

The first run will generate a safe-pkp-config.json file containing Safe, PKP, and contract information, which is used for contract verification.

Architecture Overview

Lit Action Multisig Authentication

Implements a 2/2 multisig Safe for PKP action authentication.

Authentication Flow

  1. Two owners sign an authentication message
  2. Signatures are passed to Lit nodes' TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)
  3. Lit nodes verify signatures against Safe owners
  4. Session Signatures are generated, allowing the PKP to execute Lit Actions

Available Tools

1. Token Swap Tool (litActionSwap.ts)

  • Handles token swaps via Uniswap V3
  • Manages token approvals and execution
  • Returns transaction hashes

2. ETH Transfer Tool (litActionCode.ts)

  • Executes basic ETH transfers
  • Signs and processes transactions via PKP
  • Returns transaction hash

3. WETH Unwrap Tool (litActionUnwrap.ts)

  • Unwraps WETH to ETH
  • Returns transaction hash

Common Features

  • Gas optimization (2x current gas price)
  • Error handling and status reporting
  • Transaction verification
  • Balance validation

Project Files Reference

Core Logic

Utility Functions

Lit Actions

Pre-deployed actions with IPFS CIDs (source code available in src/litActions/):

Smart Contracts
