
iOS 12.4 causes back button to disappear upon ReqestPop Cancel

brianjohnson62 opened this issue · 8 comments

Everything is working fine except on iPhone 7 iOS 12.4 (and at least 1 earlier iOS version I tried). When you make a change on the Sample Code Edit page and hit cancel, the Pop is cancelled but the back button arrow disappears. Then there is no way to get back. This happens in my App as well as in your Sample Code. Everything works fine on iOS 14.4.

Everything is working fine except on iPhone 7 iOS 12.4 (and at least 1 earlier iOS version I tried). When you make a change on the Sample Code Edit page and hit cancel, the Pop is cancelled but the back button arrow disappears. Then there is no way to get back. This happens in my App as well as in your Sample Code. Everything works fine on iOS 14.4.

Me need more time. 1-2 days maybe. Tip me, can be create iPhone simulator with iOS 12.4 on MacOS?
I have iPhone 7 (iOS 14.4). Apple forbid downgrade OS on they devices, assholes.

@brianjohnson62 good news, i solve the problem. I coming soon publish new version nuget package

@brianjohnson62 nuget 1.0.4 is now available (and i write you e-mail, check please)

@brianjohnson62 check nuget 1.0.5 =)

@brianjohnson62 please tell me, what problems do you have with NavigationSam?