Add CouchDB Backend

Add CouchDB and PouchDB to your local development environment.


  1. Install Docker and Node.js

  2. Create a new app project:

    npm create vite
  3. Add CouchDB as a backend:

    npx add-couchdb-backend
  4. Add PouchDB to the frontend:

    npm install pouchdb


  • Run npm run backend to start the backend

  • Open the CouchDB backend at http://localhost:5984/_utils/

    • Login with username root and password root
  • Synchronize the database with the frontend:

    // Import PouchDB
    import '../node_modules/pouchdb/dist/pouchdb.min.js'
    // Configure the local and remote databases
    const db = new PouchDB('development')
    const dbRemote = new PouchDB('http://localhost:5984/development')
    // Synchronize both databases
    db.sync(dbRemote, { live: true, retry: true })

How it works

  • no dependency will be added to the repository (only PouchDB itself)
  • you have full control of all source files for fine tuning
  • running npx add-couchdb-backend will download the package in a cache folder
    • the package will create a docker/ folder with the Dockerfile
    • the package will create a docker-composer.yml file to configure the container setup
    • the package will add a backend script to the package.json file


Report bugs in the issues list.


  1. Commit changes with an issue (closure) reference
  2. Run npm version patch | minor | major and push changes
  3. Let the workflow manage the release to GitHub and NPM