Scriptella is an open source ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool written in Java
- 5
Explicitly close connections?
#19 opened by hansgru - 0
Support Spring 5.x
#36 opened by newnewcoder - 2
Using environment variables
#33 opened by michalhabala - 3
Release of v1.2 ?
#10 opened by hansgru - 0
Add driver for shell command
#32 opened by ejboy - 1
Release JDK11 compatible version
#31 opened by ejboy - 1
- 5
Fix JDK 8 Nashorn JavaScript engine integration
#2 opened by ejboy - 1
Complete migration from JavaForge
#25 opened by ejboy - 1
Janino Driver 3.11 fails
#30 opened by ivankovalenko - 1
Cant find obvious reason of failure
#28 opened by ivankovalenko - 0
- 0
#26 opened by nolazybits - 5
- 0
- 0
My executor couldn't lookup JNDI datasource
#23 opened by bromokun - 0
Velocity driver injects properties with periods with no way to get at them.
#22 opened by mrdanpsmith - 0
ID columns/variables seem to be overriden.
#20 opened by aadrian - 3
Transaction Tag?
#17 opened by hansgru - 1
Show execution time even if there was an error!
#18 opened by hansgru - 9
How to insert null values ?
#16 opened by hansgru - 3
How to copy files in one of the steps?
#14 opened by hansgru - 0
Enforce UTF-8
#13 opened by hansgru - 3
No quotes for numbers?
#11 opened by hansgru - 1
- 1
JSON Driver support and examples
#8 opened by hansgru - 2
- 3
- 1
Expose information about current row
#4 opened by ejboy - 2
Build fails under JDK8
#1 opened by ejboy