
Dynamic Fields using Relation Database

Problem Statement:

Project live URL


This sample application uses a relational database and allows dynamic fields in forms. Form creator can add as many fields as they want to a specific risk type.

As a Form Creator, he/she can use FormTemplates that are predefined by britecore team, moderators etc. These templates have fields(FormTemplateField) defined which can be used by form creator.

Flow would go like this: If form creator uses "use a template" , a new RiskType would be created, and new RiskTypeField would be created/copied from FormTemplateField. Now on this RiskType the form Creator can edit, delete and also add new fields.

DB Design: DB design

This design structure allows flexibility in terms of form validations. For example using min max validators, regex check etc. we can define the meta JSON as

meta : {
    "is_required": true,
    "min": 0
    "max" : 100
    "regex" : "<some-regex>"
    ... // other 

The current live project do not use these meta validations as we are not to submit form.

Reasons to not store fields as a JSON

One of the solutions I thought included storing all the fields into one JSON field. Although JSON approach seems simple and easy to implement, It has concerning problems.

  • Saving Response from user Since we have no ID specific to a field we will not be able to map responses of users, properly. That said, it is still possible but will be a development overhead.
  • Updating a specific field will require a full JSON update. If the form is huge then a simple update will also cause memory overhead, since you would have to load the entire obj in memory.

Tech Stack:

  • Python with Django Framework
  • Relational Database
  • Apache Web Server
  • Vue JS Front End
  • AWS: ElasticBeanStalk Deployment
  • VCS: Git

Note: For adding new fields and RiskType and RiskTypeField the functionality is inbuilt by lovely django's admin interface. Contact me for admin user and password.