
Simple speech input for <input>s —replaces deprecated x-webkit-speech attribute

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple speech input for <input> elements — replaces deprecated x-webkit-speech attribute


  1. Include speech-input.css and speech-input.js
  2. Add an si-input class to your input field.
  3. Wrap the input in a <div> with an si-wrapper class.
  4. Add a button with an si-btn class as a sibling to the input. For the default style use the button markup in the example below:
<div class="si-wrapper">
    <input type="text" class="si-input" placeholder="What's up?">
    <button class="si-btn">
        speech input
        <span class="si-mic"></span>
        <span class="si-holder"></span>

And you're done! Here's a demo:

speech-input demo


Why does it keep asking me to allow the microphone?

To have the microphone permissions persist, use https: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15999940/552067

I clicked the mic button but it didn't do anything.

Make sure you're using it on an actual server — it won't work on a file:// URL. Try starting up a simple static HTTP server.

Can I use this in non-webkit browsers?

Not yet.