
Tutorial and learn Third Person in Multiplayer

Primary LanguageC++


Tutorial and learn Third Person in Multiplayer Source Docs: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Gameplay/Networking/QuickStart/index.html

Pattern on replicates system

  • An external Actor or function calls CauseDamage on our Character, which in turn calls its TakeDamage function.
  • TakeDamage calls SetCurrentHealth to change the player's Current Health value on the server.
  • SetCurrentHealth calls OnHealthUpdate on the server, causing any functionality that happens in response to changes in the player's health to execute.
  • CurrentHealth replicates to all connected clients' copies of the Character.
  • When each client receives a new CurrentHealth value from the server, they call OnRep_CurrentHealth.
  • OnRep_CurrentHealth calls OnHealthUpdate, ensuring that each client responds the same way to the new CurrentHealth value.

Tips and Tricks

Register another function to impact event.

//Registering the Projectile Impact function on a Hit event.
SphereComponent->OnComponentHit.AddDynamic(this, &AThirdPersonMPProjectile::OnProjectileImpact);

Note: Function need signature

OnProjectileImpact(UPrimitiveComponent* ,AActor* ,UPrimitiveComponent* , FVector , const FHitResult&)

Autoreplicates spawn and destroy function

The Destroyed function is called any time an Actor is destroyed. Particle emitters themselves do not normally replicate, but since Actor destruction does replicate, we know that if we destroy this projectile on the server then this function will be called on each connected client when they destroy their own copies of it. As a result, all players will see the explosion effect when the projectile is destroyed.

void AThirdPersonMPProjectile::Destroyed()
    FVector spawnLocation = GetActorLocation();
    UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(this, ExplosionEffect, spawnLocation, FRotator::ZeroRotator, true, EPSCPoolMethod::AutoRelease);