
Museum Victoria's gallery audio playback template for Cycling 74's Max.

Primary LanguageMax


Gallery audio deployments made easy(er...ish)

This patch is the product of work undertaken as part of the Nodel project. The goal was to replace obsolete playback systems, whilst integrating the new solution with our aforementioned upcoming open-source digital control system.

Max was chosen, and is now the primary choice for our gallery audio systems.

The following patch is meant to be a template. It doesn't attempt to teach you Max. If you're new, then starting with the official documentation is highly recommended.


The landing patch is the heart of the template, and won't change much between deployments.

There are three included sub-patches.


A network configurator, with save functionality.

It has heavily obscured the use of the mxj object to establish a UDP connection between Nodel (or any UDP server) and the patch.

  • The incoming messages are available with a receive Nodel object.
  • All outgoing messages should be directed to a send Nodel object.

An example patch, to demonstrate basic playback of audio routed into the mixer.


The mixer is designed to receive inputs from one of eight channels e.g. receive~ CH01 and route them to the system audio driver.


  • The levels of each channel can be labelled and adjusted.
  • There's preset manager with save and load functionality.
  • The presets can have associated fade times.

The mixer, like any sub-patch can be controlled through Nodel.

UDP Examples
  • Presets Preset 1 Preset 2 etc..
  • Channels Level Channel01 127 Level Channel08 42 etc..


Java for the mxj object, https://adoptopenjdk.net/

Max 7.3.5, https://cycling74.com/downloads/older