
web3go's goal is to build an modern Golang SDK for Ethereum system

Primary LanguageGo


The web3go's goal is to build a golang SDK for supporting all Ethereum RPC

Struct Fields Type Rule

For developer convenience, the web3go use standard type instead of hex types in RPC response, for example, *hexutil.Big will be *big.Int in client interface. As well as the struct fields, but marshal/unmarshal result still be hex format.

  1. The types of struct fields according to geth and parity and use the minimal type, such geth is hexutil.Uint64 and parity is *hexutil.Big, then the filed type will be uint64
  2. The slice item always be a pointer if the item is struct to avoid value copy when iteration



The NewClient creates a client with default timeout options.

  • the default timeout is 30 seconds


Use NewClientWithOption to specify retry, timeout and signer manager options, the signer manager option is used for signing transactions automatically when call SendTransaction or SendTransactionByArgs

	NewClientWithOption("http://localhost:8545", providers.Option{...})

The provider of both clients created by NewClient and NewClientWithOption are middlewarable providers.

Middlewarable providers could hook CallContext/BatchCallContext/Subscribe, such as log RPC request and response or cache environment variable in the context.

For custom pre/post Call/Batchcall behaviors, you can use HookCallContext of Middlewarable, such as log requests and so on, see more from go-rpc-provider

	p, e := providers.NewBaseProvider(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8545")
	if e != nil {
		return e

the callLogMiddleware is like

	func callContextLogMiddleware(f providers.CallFunc) providers.CallFunc {
		return func(ctx context.Context, resultPtr interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
			fmt.Printf("request %v %v\n", method, args)
			err := f(ctx, resultPtr, method, args...)
			j, _ := json.Marshal(resultPtr)
			fmt.Printf("response %s\n", j)
			return err


You also could set your customer provider by NewClientWithProvider



There is an interface signer for signing transactions and messages.

  • SignTransaction to sign a transaction
  • SignMessage to sign a message

We provide kinds of functions to create a private key signer, which means it will convert anything input to the private key.

create by private key

  • NewPrivateKeySigner

create by private key string

  • NewPrivateKeySignerByString
  • MustNewPrivateKeySignerByString

create a random private key

  • NewRandomPrivateKeySigner
  • MustNewRandomPrivateKeySigner

create by mnemonic

  • NewPrivateKeySignerByMnemonic
  • MustNewPrivateKeySignerByMnemonic

create by Keystore

  • NewPrivateKeySignerByKeystoreFile
  • MustNewPrivateKeySignerByKeystoreFile
  • NewPrivateKeySignerByKeystore
  • MustNewPrivateKeySignerByKeystore

Signer Manager

Signer Manager is for manager signers conveniently, support get/add/remove/list signer.

And convenient functions to create signer managers, such as create by private key strings and mnemonic

  • NewSignerManager
  • NewSignerManagerByPrivateKeyStrings
  • MustNewSignerManagerByPrivateKeyStrings
  • NewSignerManagerByMnemonic
  • MustNewSignerManagerByMnemonic

Auto Sign

There are two ways to create a client that can be automatically signed when sending transactions.

  • Firstly and the simple way is to create a client by NewClientWithOption and set the field SignerManager of Option
	mnemonic := "crisp shove million stem shiver side hospital split play lottery join vintage"
	sm := signers.MustNewSignerManagerByMnemonic(mnemonic, 10, nil)
	option := new(ClientOption).WithLooger(os.Stdout).WithSignerManager(sm)
	c, err := NewClientWithOption("https://evm.confluxrpc.com", *option)

	from := sm.List()[0].Address()
	to := sm.List()[1].Address()
	hash, err := c.Eth.SendTransactionByArgs(types.TransactionArgs{
		From: &from,
		To:   &to,
	mnemonic := "crisp shove million stem shiver side hospital split play lottery join vintage"
	sm := signers.MustNewSignerManagerByMnemonic(mnemonic, 10, nil)
	p := pproviders.MustNewBaseProvider(context.Background(), "https://evm.confluxrpc.com")
	p = providers.NewSignableProvider(p, sm)
	c := NewClientWithProvider(p)

Send Transaction

There are two ways to send transactions and auto-sign, SendTransaction and SendTransactionByArgs

	mnemonic := "crisp shove million stem shiver side hospital split play lottery join vintage"
	sm := signers.MustNewSignerManagerByMnemonic(mnemonic, 10, nil)
	c := MustNewClientWithOption("https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/cb2c1b76cb894b699f20a602f35731f1", *(new(ClientOption).WithLoger(os.Stdout).WithSignerManager(sm)))

	// send legacy tx
	tx := ethrpctypes.NewTransaction(nonce.Uint64(), from, big.NewInt(1000000), 1000000, big.NewInt(1), nil)
	txhash, err := c.SendTransaction(from, *tx)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("send legacy tx, hash: %s\n", txhash)

	// send dynamic fee tx
	dtx := &ethrpctypes.DynamicFeeTx{
		To:    &from,
		Value: big.NewInt(1),
	txhash, err = c.SendTransaction(from, *ethrpctypes.NewTx(dtx))
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("send dynamic fee tx, hash: %s\n", txhash)
  • SendTransactionByArgs send by transaction type of TransactionArgs which contains all fields a transaction needs
	mnemonic := "crisp shove million stem shiver side hospital split play lottery join vintage"
	sm := signers.MustNewSignerManagerByMnemonic(mnemonic, 10, nil)
	c := MustNewClientWithOption("https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/cb2c1b76cb894b699f20a602f35731f1", *(new(ClientOption).WithLoger(os.Stdout).WithSignerManager(sm)))

	from := sm.List()[0].Address()
	to := sm.List()[1].Address()
	hash, err := c.Eth.SendTransactionByArgs(types.TransactionArgs{
		From: &from,
		To:   &to,
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("hash: %s\n", hash)

If the provider of client contains the signer of the transaction's From, both of them will populate transaction fields, sign the transaction and call eth_sendRawTransaction to send RLP-Encoded transaction. Otherwise will call eth_sendTransaction.


Invoke with contract please use abigen, we provide the methods ToClientForContract for generating bind.ContractBackend and bind.SignerFn for conveniently use in abi-binding struct which is generated by abigen

Please see the example from example_abigen