
Ansible role to install or uninstall Procyon Java decompiler

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: procyon_decompiler

Installs or uninstalls Procyon Java Decompiler. Creates or removes a wrapper to start the program from the shell.


  • A recent version of Ansible. Tested on 2.9. It might work on previous versions.
  • Fedora 31. It might work on other versions.
  • Access to a Procyon Java decompiler jar. Either by URL to download or path to a file.

Role Variables

All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file and listed in a table bellow as well.

Name Default Value Description
procyon_decompiler_jar_src "" Path to a jar file of procyon decompiler on a control host or URL to download from.
procyon_decompiler_state present By default installs the program. Set to "absent" to uninstall.
procyon_decompiler_top_dest_name procyon-decompiler Base name of installation directory.
procyon_decompiler_install_parent_dir /opt Parent directory in which program will be installed. See also procyon_decompiler_top_dest_name.
procyon_decompiler_force_remove no If set to "yes", contents of installation directory is not compared against contents of procyon_decompiler_jar_src when uninstall, upgrade or downgrade.

procyon_decompiler_jar_src must be overriden from its default value.

Example Playbook


To install the program, define path to a Procyon Java decompiler jar from the internet:

- hosts: all
    - role: scrool.procyon_decompiler
        procyon_decompiler_jar_src: https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon/downloads/procyon-decompiler-0.5.36.jar


To uninstall, set same values as for install. By default role removes content only if installed directory and jar archive matches what it would install. Finally set state variable to "absent".

- hosts: all
    - role: scrool.procyon_decompiler
        procyon_decompiler_jar_src: /tmp/procyon-decompiler-0.5.36.jar
        procyon_decompiler_state: absent

Alternatively you can enable option procyon_decompiler_force_remove and again set state variable to "absent". In this case role won't need nor even check procyon_decompiler_jar_src. This effectively removes unversioned symlink to a jar, installed jar, installation directory and executable. Example:

- hosts: all
    - role: scrool.procyon_decompiler
        procyon_decompiler_state: absent
        procyon_decompiler_force_remove: yes


This project is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.

See Procyon repository for license information.

Author Information