
Second brain system, Markdown knowledgebase

Primary LanguageGo


What is it?

Think about it in the following terms:

  • A personal knowledgebase or Digital Garden
  • The file system is the storage
  • Uses Markdown format
  • Has a web interface
  • Minimal interface
  • Avoids Javascript like the plague


  • Run it in any directory to create a blog
  • Go to any path to create a note
  • Checkout index.md for additional features
  • Create a template note. xlog will use its content to prefix the editor when creating a new note
  • Go files starting with extension- are self contained removing a file removes the feature (views/extension/ sometimes will have a view files for the feature)


go install github.com/emad-elsaid/xlog@latest


Usage of xlog:
  -bind string
        IP and port to bind the web server to (default "")
  -source string
        Directory that will act as a storage (default ".")
        reload the page when the server restarts

Now you can access notes with localhost:7000

If you want you can access it with a name like notes:7000 by adding this line to /etc/hosts       notes

Also you can use notes instead of notes:7000 by redirecting traffic from port 80 to port 7000

sudo iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 7000

so that means you can create a new note in your browser by visiting notes/note title here