
A GUI utility for performing Sumo Logic API tasks that would otherwise require scripting

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Sumotoolbox is a GUI utility for accessing the various Sumo Logic APIs. The idea is to make it easier to perform common API tasks such as copying sources and generating CSV files from searches.

This version contains critical updates to the 'collectors' and 'source updates' tab. It is highly recommended that you upgrade to this version or later (0.9.1)

Recommended Method of Getting and Running Sumotoolbox, download the binaries

The easiest way to download and use this tool is to download the latest binary release from the "releases" section of this page.


Updating the Binaries

When it's time to upgrade to a new version of sumotoolbox simply download the new executable and use it to replace your old one, leaving your ini and db file in place.

Installing the Source

If you prefer to clone the archive and run from source then you'll need Python 3.6 or higher and the modules listed in the dependency section.

The steps are as follows:

1. Download and install python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 from python.org.  
   Make sure to choose the "add python to the default "path" checkbox in the installer (may be in 
   advanced settings.)

   Note: If you have Linux you can usually skip this step, but ensure you have python3 installed for your distro. 

   Note: If you have OS X you cannot use the python that comes with the OS, it is too old.

2. Download and install git for your platform if you don't already have it installed.
   It can be downloaded from https://git-scm.com/downloads

3. Open a new shell/command prompt. It must be new since only a new shell will include the new python 
   path that was created in step 1. Cd to the folder where you want to install sumotoolbox.

4. Execute the following command to install pipenv, which will manage all of the library dependencies 
   for us:

    pip3 install pipenv


    sudo pip3 install pipenv 

5. Clone this repo using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologictoolbox.git

This will create a new folder called sumotoolbox. 

6. Change into the sumotoolbox folder. Type the following to install all the package 
   dependencies (this may take a while as this will download all of the libraries that sumotoolbox uses):

pipenv install

To run sumotoolbox cd into the sumotoolbox directory and type:

pipenv run python3 sumotoolbox.py

Updating the Source

When it's time to upgrade to a new version of sumotoolbox cd into the sumotoolbox directory and type:

1. git pull https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologictoolbox.git

2. pipenv install

To run sumotoolbox cd into the sumotoolbox directory and type:

pipenv run python3 sumotoolbox.py


See the contents of "pipfile"

Features and Usage

SAML Copying/Backup/Restore: !NEW!

The SAML tab is intended for service providers that may need to deploy a SAML config to one of the 
many orgs they are managing. It is unlikely you'll want to use this tab unless you are a Sumo Logic
service provider partner. 

NOTE: Please be very careful with this feature as you could potentially grant access to users/orgs 
that you didn't intend to.

NOTE: If you copy a SAML config to a new org the Sp initiated login configuration will be stripped
from the config before the copy. This happens because the Sp inituated login config data must be
unique por Sumo org. You'll have to add that config manually in the Sumo Logic UI.

Monitors and Connections Copying/Backup/Restore: !NEW!

This tab merges Monitor and Connection functionality because in Sumo Logic monitors are often dependent
in connections, as connections often provide the alerting mechanism for the monitor. As this is the case
you can choose to include or not include any related connections when copying or importing monitor(s). 

Partition Copying/Backup/Restore: !NEW!

The Partitions Tab is used to copy/backup/restore partition configurations. Note that copying partition configs
between orgs is typically only done by those (service providers) that are managing multiple Sumo Logic orgs/customers.

NOTE: Currently neither the general index nor decommissioned partitions will appear in this list. 
The general index should be added soon.

NOTE: These only copy/backup/restore the partition config, NOT THE DATA stored in the partition.  

Collector Source Copying:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the collector lists
4. Choose a source collector to populate the sources list.
5. Select one or more sources
6. Select a destination collector
7. Click "Copy".

NOTE: You can use the same credentials for both source and destination to copy sources from one 
      collector to another within the same org.

Collector Backup:

1. Input/select Credentials for your org
2. Select your region for your org
3. Click "Update" to populate the collector list
4. Choose one or more get_collectors
5. Click 'Backup Collector(s)' to write a json dump of the selected get_collectors and their sources

NOTE: There is not currently a collector restore capability in this tool. 

Collector Delete:

1. Input/select Credentials for your org
2. Select your region for your org
3. Click "Update" for destination to populate the collector list
4. Choose one or more get_collectors
6. Click "Delete Collector(s)"
7. Verify that you really want to delete the collector(s) by typing "DELETE"
8. Click "OK"

NOTE: This can be very dangerous. Accidentally deleting the wrong collector(s) could result
      in log collection interruption and many, many hours of restoration work. Use with EXTREME

Source Delete:

1. Input/select Credentials for your org
2. Select your region for your org
3. Click "Update" for destination to populate the collector list
4. Choose a collector
5. Choose one or more sources
6. Click "Delete Source(s)"
7. Verify that you really want to delete the source(s) by typing "DELETE"
8. Click "OK"

NOTE: This can be very dangerous. Accidentally deleting the wrong sources(s) could result in log
      collection interruption and many, many hours of restoration work. Use with EXTREME caution. 

Search API:

1. Input/select source credentials
2. Select your source region
3. Select your timezone (defaults to local system timezone)
4. Select your time range (defaults to a relative 15 minute window from the time
the app was launched)
5. Enter a valid Sumo Logic search query
6. Select whether you want to see message results or record results (raw messages
vs. aggregate data.)
7. (Optional) Check "Save to CSV" to create a CSV file from the results
8. (Optional) Check "Convert to Selected Timezone from UTC Epoch". This will return message
times and "_timeslice"fields as local time formatted as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S rather than 
UTC epoch time.
9. Click "Start"

NOTE: The use case for this fuctionality is dumping to CSV. The Sumo Logic UI export feature is
      currently limited to 100,000 log messages. This tool should reliably dump much more than that,
      however the UI will "freeze" during the dump. This could take minutes or even hours depending 
      on the size of the dump. Please resist the temptation to rage quit because of an unresposive UI.
      If you want to check on the status of the download you can look in the console or log file to
      see status messages. 

NOTE: If you choose to save Raw messages to CSV they will no longer be displayed after the job finishes.
      This change was made so that sumotoolbox can download an arbitrary number of messages without 
      running out of RAM. 

Content Folder Creation:

1. Input/select Credentials for your org
2. Select your region for your org
3. Click "Update" for destination to populate the collector list
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context
4. Navigate to the location you want to create the new folder. 
6. Click "New Folder".
7. Enter a name for the new folder. 
8. Click "OK"

NOTE: You cannot create top level folders when in the "Admin Recommeded" context. This
      should be fixed in the future. 

Content Deletion:

1. Input/select Credentials for your org
2. Select your region for your org
3. Click "Update" for destination to populate the collector list
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context
4. Navigate to the location that contains the content you wish to delete. 
6. Select one or more items from the list. 
7. Click "Delete"
7. Verify that you really want to delete the source(s) by typing "DELETE"
8. Click "OK"

NOTE: This can be very dangerous. Accidentally deleting the wrong content could result in serious 
      issues and many hours of restoration work. Use with EXTREME caution. 

Content Copying:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the content lists
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context in 
   either pane. 
5. Select one or more items from the list
6. Click "Copy" (left to right or right to left). Your content will be copied to the current folder 
   in the destination pane.

Field Extraction Rule copy/import/export:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the FER lists
4. Click "Copy" or "Backup" or "Restore".

Scheduled View copy/import/export:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the FER lists
4. Click "Copy" or "Backup" or "Restore".

Users and Roles copy/import/export: !NEW!

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the Users and Roles lists
4. Click "Copy" or "Backup" or "Restore" in either the Users or Roles sections. 

NOTE: Currently if you copy a user then that users roles will also be copied if they don't already
exist in the target org. 

NOTE: You will get an error if you try to delete a role that still has users that belong to it. 

Content Find/Replace/Copy: (New and Improved Algorithm)

Copying content between orgs often requires that the sourceCategory tags be changed to match the new 
environment. The Find/Replace/Copy feature is intended to lighten this burden by doing sourceCategory
tag replacement during the copy. It finds all of the sourceCategory tags in your original content and 
presents them to you along with the sourceCategory tags in your destination environment allowing you 
to match them for replacement.

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the content lists
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context in either
5. Select one or more items from the list
6. Click "Find/Replace/Copy" (left to right or right to left). 
7. Wait a bit (the REST calls involved can take a while)
8. Choose what tags to replace. 
9. Click "OK"
10. Wait a bit (lot) more. If you are copying large amounts of content the wait can be significant. 
    The UI will seem to freeze or lockup during the copy because the tool is not multithreaded. Have 
    patience and resist the urge to rage quit, it's still a million times faster than doing this by hand.
11. Once the pop-up window closes your content should be copied to the current folder in the 
    destination pane.

Sumo Organizations Support: !Alpha!

SumoLogic now provides an account provisioning API for SumoLogic partners and Large Customers. This feature
must be enabled by SumoLogic and will not be available to most customers. Please contact your SumoLogic rep
for more info. 

1. Start Sumotoolbox, load your credential database, and switch to the preset that represents your "parent"
org/account. Note that this feature is not turned on for all accounts. If you are not a service provider then
it's likely this is not turn on for your account and you can safely ignore this feature. 
2. Click Update to see a list of currently provisioned orgs (this will return nothing if you have never used
the MAM API to provision an org.)
3. Use the "Create Org" button to provison a new  org. 
4. Use the "Update Org" button to modify an existing org. 
5. Use "Cancel Subscription" deactivate an org. 

Note: Functionality here will change as the API and Sumotoolbox evolve. 

Source Update: !New! !Experimental!:

Source update allows you to perform mass updates of processing rules on sources. This is experimental functionality
so please be EXTREMELY careful using it. 

1. Choose relative or absolute mode. Relative will allow you to add or remove rules but leave other rules intact.
   Absolute mode will overwrite existing rules. 
2. Update your list of sources. This can take a REALLY long time if you lots of collectors (40 minutes(!) if you
   have 10,000 collectors.) Be patient, it's probably still faster than updating rules by hand. 
3. The source list will populate with three types of entries; source categories, sources, and fields.
        A. Choosing a sourceCategory (listed in blue) will target all sources that have that sourceCategory
        B. Choosing a specifing source (lised in white with the collector name in square brackets) will target that
        specfic sournce
        C. Choosing a field/value pair (listed in pink) will target all sources with that field/value set. 
4. Select any comibnation of entries from the source list and add them to the target list. Don't worry if you think
   your selections might result in a particular source being targeted multiple times, the list will be deduped when you 
   apply the update. 
5. Add updates to perform. Currently you can either add or remove processing rules or change source Categories. 

    A. If you add a rule you'll need to enter the details into the dialog box that comes up. Note that what you
    enter here is not tested for valid syntax. It is highly recommended that you test your processing rule in the
    Sumo Logic UI prior to mass deploying it.
    B. If you remove a rule you'll be able to select from a list of existing rules. Note that this is an
    aggregate list of existing rules on your targeted sources. it's possible that some or most of your targeted
    sources will not have all the rules in the list. Note You cannot remove rules while in absolute mode as
    it clears all rules from the source by default anyway. 
    C. You can specify a new Source Category for all of the targets
6. Once you've added all the updates you like click "Apply Changes". This will start the process of applying the
   changes to your org. This can take a long time if you are updating many sources. If you are adding rule(s) and your
   new rules have bad syntax then you will have failures now. Always test your rules first in the Sumo Logic UI!
7. Once the apply process is finished Sumo Toolbox will re-update the source list automatically and clear the target
   list. At this point you should stop what you are doing, do not, under any circumstances close Sumotoolbox, and go
   to the Sumo Logic UI and verify the outcome of your update. If anything went wrong move on to step 8.
8. (Optional) Undo changes. If you've made a mistake (or if I've made a mistake and you encountered a bug) the you
   can choose to undo your changes. This should put everything back (again it may take a while.) Be warned that "undo"
   goes away if you shut down Sumotoolbox, so do not close the program until you've verified your changes. 

Content Backup:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the content lists
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context in 
   either pane. 
5. Select one or more items from the list
6. Click "Backup"
7. Choose a folder to save your backup files into
8. The selected content will be exported and written as JSON to the selected folder, one file per 
   selected item. 

Note: The filenames are created automatically from the item names that are selected for backup. 

Content Restore:

1. Input/select Credentials for your source and destination orgs
2. Select your regions for source and destination orgs
3. Click "Update" for source and destination to populate the content lists
4. (Optional) Select "Personal Folder" or "Admin Recommended" radio button to switch context in either 
5. Navigate to the folder you wish to restore into. 
6. Click "Restore"
7. Select one or more valid Sumo Logic exports files to restore. These must be valid JSON that has been 
   previously exported from Sumo Logic, either using this tool, the API, or the Sumo Logic UI. 
8. Your content will be restored into the current directory. 

Note: You cannot currently restore into the root admin folder. This will be fixed soon.     


The tool should now generate a "sumologic.log" file in the directory it lives in. If you experience a
bug, please delete the log file, set the logging level to "debug" (from the "settings" menu), recreate
the bug, and send me the new log file along with a screenshot and/or description or what you were doing
at the time. I can't promise an immediate fix but I will do my best. 


Config File:

sumologictoolbox now includes a sumologictoolbox.ini file to configure the tool. The ini file contains 
documetation on each setting. 

NOTE: This file will be generated on your first execution of the tool in the same directory as the tool. 

Credential Database:

The tool now includes an optional credential store. You can create a new credential database using the
"Create Cred Database" button. This will ask for you to enter a new password and will create a new, 
empty credential database in the same directory as your sumologictoolbox script/executable. 

sumologictoolbox enforces a minimal complexity of 10 characters with upper/lower/numeric/non-alphanumeric
characters.This password will be used as your master encryption key so longer/more complex is always better. 
You must REMEMBER this password. It cannot be retrieved once set. If you forget your password you must 
create a new credential database. 

Once the credential database is created you can load it on subsequent executions of sumologictoolbox using
the "Load Cred DB" button. This will require the same password you entered when you initially created it. 

Once the database is created/loaded you can then save/update/delete credentials in the database using the
Create/Update/Delete preset buttons. 

Note: The credentials db functionality is optional. You can still use sumologictoolbox without it in the 
      same way as previous versions (by entering information manually into the appropriate fields.)

Note: Before using the credential database functionality please ensure it complies with all policies/laws
      applicable to your organization. 

1. Argon2 for main password hashing
2. AES 256 (GCM) for encrypt/decrypt of credentials
3. PBKDF2HMAC using SHA3_512 to create 256 bit encryption/decryption keys 
   (500,000 iterations using a 64 byte random salt)
4. salts are generated randomly per set of credentials every time they are saved/updated in the database

Credential DB FAQ:

Q: I see a flaw in your implementation. Can I send feedback?
A: Please do! I have done my utmost to do this in the most secure fashion possible but any constructive 
   feedback is welcome! Please read the rest of the FAQ first though before sending feedback.
   You can send feedback to: tmacdonald@sumologic.com

Q: What is Argon2? I've never heard of it!
A: At the time of writing argon2 was the recommended password hashing algoritm by the password hashing 

Q: I have my own keystore, can I use that instead?
A: Yes! I have attempted to write sumologictoolbox in such a way that you can implement your own version
   of the CredentialDB class that calls or implements a different keystore. To this end I have done the

   1. Sumologictoolbox will pass a username/id as well as a password to the CredentialDB class if one is
      set in the sumologictoolbox ini file.
   2. You can turn off the "create/delete cred database" button in sumologictoolbox with the appropriate
      setting in the sumologictoolbox ini file. This will leave only the load button to be used in 
      connecting to the external credential store.
   3. Sumologictoolbox will only activate the "create preset", 'update preset', and 'delete preset' 
      buttons if the "add_cred", "update_cred", and "delete_cred" methods exist in the CredentialDB class. 
      This means you can implement a read-only version of this class that authenticates against an 
      external credential store. I've added comments to each method marking them as "required", "optional",
      and "internal". You only need to implement the "required" methods for a read-only credential store.

Q: I looked at your code. Why are you storing the salt in the open? Doesn't that make it worthless?
A: The salt is stored in "plain text" with the encrypted data as they must be used for decryption. 
   This is an accepted practice. For more information on why that is the case I suggest the following 

Q: Can I turn all of this off? I don't want my users using your/any credential store.
A: Yes! You can turn it off in the Sumologictoolbox ini file.

Screen Shots:

Collector Source Copy

Search API Example

Content API Example

Field Extraction Rule API Example

Scheduled View API Example

Known Issues:

  • No status updates during searches/copy operations. When making API calls the UI becomes non-responsive until the calls complete. This is due to the requests library blocking Qt5 when REST calls are being used. One day this might be fixed by multithreading the app but currently this is expected behaviour.

  • Copying scheduled searches that use a connection for alerting (as opposed to email) the import fails as the connection ID does not exist in the target. Working to resolve this.

To Do:

  • add "copy org" tab

  • Add deploy templates for Sumo Orgs Tab

  • Add lookup table upload support to Content Tab

  • Add support for copying user global folders to Content Tab

  • Add field support to Source Update Tab

  • Handle saved search connections better in Content Tab


Copyright 2015 Timothy MacDonald

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This is an opensource tool that I've written in my spare time. It is NOT an official Sumo Logic product. Use at your own risk.

This repository and the code within are NOT supported by Sumo Logic.

Feel free to e-mail me with issues however and I will provide "best effort" fixes: tmacdonald@sumologic.com