
List of Docker Compose files I use to deploy docker services and stacks

Docker Compose Files

List of Docker Compose files I use to deploy docker services and stacks in my Docker Swarm Here is a description of the services


This is a fully functioning NextCloud install with in-line document editing, anti-virus scanning for uploads and using the secure Wonderfall NextCloud image that doesn't run any root user processes and use Alpine Linux to keep things small and secure.
This compose file uses the following

  • The awesome WonderFall Nextcloud repo found here
  • The Alpine version of Redis
  • The latest version of MySQL
  • ClamAV conatiner to scan uploads found here
  • In-line document editing via OnlyOffice Docker
  • Bundled with nginx and PHP 7.x (wonderfall/nginx-php image).
  • Automatic installation using environment variables.
  • Data and apps persistence.
  • Maintenance free anti-virus updates and scanning.
  • Easy to read log files for anti-virus reports/auditing

Ensure you have enough resources, 4GB is fine if you want torun OnlyOffice. If you don't want to just remove it. To take advantage of OnlyOffice and ClamAV you'll need to install the apps in NextCloud and point them to the containers.

PostFix MTA

This simple to configure Postfix MTA you can use to connect to your Gmail account. This is great for a simple MTA that you can use to email yourself alerts of other things. This isn't to be used exteranlly! It is used for your local apps to use to send you messages, alerts or even documents.


MayanEDMS is an electronic document management system. it runs on Docker or just Linux. The preferred method is Docker so I included a compose file to deploy it quickly. Ensure you back up your documents repos and postgres database. This stack includes:

MyanEDMS is a great system that provides a repository for your scanned documents, performs OCR and allows you to tag and file documents. There are a lot of different features to this software package and i find it highly useful. It will automatically uplaod documents from a watch directory, so fro exmaple if you have a nextcloud directory you upload documents into, MayanEDMS can watch that directory and import those documents into MayanEDMS, perform OCR and allow them to be searchable and taggable. Great way to keep backups of documents.

I think using watchtower would be advisable to keep your containers up to date. I will be adding more soon.