
MicroPython module to control MicroChip's MC4131 SPI digital potentiometer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MicroPython module to control MicroChip's MC4131 SPI digital potentiometer

from machine import Pin, ADC, SPI
import mcp4131
import time
a = ADC(0)
cs = Pin(17, Pin.OUT)
s = SPI(0, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(19), miso=Pin(16))
m = mcp4131.MCP4131(s, cs)

potval = m.set(0)
direction = 1
while True:
    v = a.read_u16()
    print("[ %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f ]" % (0.0, 3.3*v/65536, 3.3))
    if direction == 1:
        potval = m.inc()
        potval = m.dec()
    if potval == 128:
        direction = -1
    if potval == 0:
        direction = 1

Hardware overview

The MCP4131 is a simple single-wiper 7-bit digital potentiometer controlled by an SPI interface. It has no memory settings, so will forget its current setting when it loses power.

Spec/Datasheet: mcp4131 | Microchip Technology



m = mcp4131.MCP4131(s, cs)

Takes two arguments:

  • s, an SPI object
  • cs, a Pin object for the SPI Chip Select line.

Note that on initialization, the potentiometer is set mid-way (64).


Set the potentiometer to a value between 0 .. 128, inclusive. Returns the value of the potentiometer:

potval = m.set(0)


Gets the potentiometer value, a number between 0 .. 128 inclusive.

potval = m.get()


Increments the value of the wiper. Will not go past 128. Returns a value between 0 .. 128, inclusive.

potval = m.inc()


Decrements the value of the wiper. Will not go past 0. Returns a value between 0 .. 128, inclusive.

potval = m.dec()


Synonym for get().

potval = m.value()


Simlar to get(), but returns a floating point value from 0.0 .. 1.0.

potratio = m.ratio()

Note / Caveat

The MCP4131 uses a multiplexed data in/data out pin. Reading the wiper value is quite cumbersone, so I maintain the current potentiometer wiper value in a parallel variable. get() and others merely return the value of this variable.


© 2021, Stewart Russell, scruss.com