
A minimal python dsl for generating html

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal python dsl for generating html.


Install via pip

pip install hype-html

Alternatively, in the spirit of removing dependencies, you could simply copy/paste the hype/element.py file into your project.


Hype exposes classes for each html tag.

from hype import *

doc = Doc(Html('Hello World!'))


# <!DOCTYPE html>
# <div>Hello World!</div>

Elements can also be rendered by calling their render method.

doc.render() == str(doc)

Inner HTML

Arguments passed in the element constructor are rendered using the str function and indented (if the element only has one argument it will not be indented.)

body = Body(
    H1('Hello World'),
    P('This is a paragraph'),
    'Just a string',
    P('Another paragraph')


# <body>
#   <h1>Hello World</h1>
#   <p>This is a paragraph</p>Just a string
#   <p>Another paragraph</p>
# </body>

Append to an elements' list of inner html elements.

body = Body(
    H1('Hello World'),
    P('This is a paragraph'),
    'Just a string'

body.append(P('Another paragraph'))


# <body>
#   <h1>Hello World</h1>
#   <p>This is a paragraph</p>Just a string
#   <p>Another paragraph</p>
# </body>


Attributes are passed as keyword arguments to the element's constructor.

span = Span('span', width='50px')


# <span width="50px">span</span>

Since some built-in, and possibly custom, attributes conflict with python keywords, keywords will automatically have all leading underscores stripped.

span = Span('span', _id='my-span', width='50px')


# <span id="my-span" width="50px">span</span>

Any remaining underscores will be converted to hyphens.

span = Span('span', custom_attrbiute='custom')


# <span custom-attribute="custom">span</span>

Also add attributes using a method's attrs method add keyword arguments.

span = Span('span')
span.attrs(_id='my-span', test='test')


# <span id="my-span" test="test">span</span>

Custom Elements

If you to create a custom tag, just subtype the Element class and add a tag.

class CustomTag(Element):
    tag = 'custom-tag'

tag = CustomTag()

# <custom-tag></custom-tag>

To create a custom self closing tag, subtype the SelfClosingElement class.

class CustomTag(SelfClosingElement):
    tag = 'custom-tag'

tag = CustomTag()

# <custom-tag/>


The indent to be used can be passed as a keyword arg to the Doc constructor.

doc = Doc(content, indent=Indent.TAB)

It can also be passed as a keyword arg when calling and element.

div = Div(H1('Header'))

# <div>
#    <h1>Header</h1>
# </div>

Async Elements

If your elements content's use coroutines you can use the async elements in hype.asyncio.

The API is nearly identical with two main differences. Of course, the render method is a coroutine. Because of they do not render when calling the str function on them You must explicitly call their render method instead.

import ayncio

from hype.asyncio import *

div = Div(H1('Header'))

result = asyncio.run(div.render)

# <div>
#    <h1>Header</h1>
# </div>