
Simple bash scripts for mmx-node

Primary LanguageShell


Simple bash scripts for interacting with mmx-node

Current scripts

Get unique addresses from a number of the last blocks

Parse a log file and return filenames for plots that have won blocks

Send a number of transactions to random addresses at a set interval

awk script to add color to the log file based on certain patterns

Parse log file and return block win details, output to CSV format

Parse the log file and return farm performance stats


To use the scripts, they must be run from a terminal session that has the added the mmx-node to the $PATH variable (i.e. the activate.sh script has been run) and ideally from the mmx-node directory. To achieve this you can copy the scripts into the mmx-node directory, or you can run export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory to add this directory to the PATH variable for your current session. To permanently add this directory to your PATH for every new session, add that export to your user's shell rc file. When added to PATH, binaries no longer require ./ to execute and can be executed from any working directory.

To get the full repository and set up the PATH:

git clone https://github.com/scrutinously/mmx-scripts.git
cd mmx-scripts
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD

Using the scripts:


getAddresses.sh <number of blocks to search>
ex. getAddresses.sh 100 will return unique addresses from the last 100 blocks


plotLookup.sh <path to log file>
ex. plotlookup.sh ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_06.txt will output block wins line by line and end with a total

This script takes a long time to run, and I recommend running it with an output to file so you can easily parse it later like so: plotlookup.sh ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_06.txt > won_plots_1_6.txt
cat won_plots_1_6.txt | awk '/plot-mmx/{print $2} {if(/total/) {print $0}}' | sort | uniq -c | sort This will output how many times each individual plot file has won. If you are actively plotting, run sudo updatedb so that the locate command can find the file.


steadyTX.sh <amount in mojos> <number of TX> <delay interval in sec>
ex. steadyTX.sh 2000 100 0.1 will send 100 transactions of 2000 mojos every 0.1 sec


colorizeLog <path to log file>
ex. ./colorizeLog ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_10.txt | less Will show the full log with colors
tail -f ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_10.txt | ./colorizeLog Will continuously watch new entries with colors


plotExport.sh <path to log file>
ex. plotExport.sh ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_14.txt will parse the input log file and output a CSV file with the same name. The CSV will contain the won block height, k size of the plot, the plot ID, the score that won, and the space difficulty at the time.


mmxStats.sh <path to log file>
ex. mmxStats.sh ~/mmx-node/testnet3/logs/mmx_node_2022_01_14.txt will parse the input log file and display stats such as plots passing filter, lookup times, blocks won, VDF stats, etc. The dropped stats at the bottom are not a concern unless they are incredibly high. These are common when a peer disconnects. If they are making up a large percentage of your total uploads, then it may be a concern.