
Creates scaffolding for consumption by the AJAX crud plugin

Primary LanguagePHP


Agility Data Systems Scaffolding Generator for AJAX Crud

This module creates partial files to use in conjunction with the AJAX Crud JS plugin (https://github.com/DavidVranish/AjaxCrud)

Step 1:

Set up composer, add the package to your require tag:

"ads/ajax-crud-generator": "1.0.*"

Also add a publish command so that the files stay up to date:

"scripts": {
		"post-update-cmd": [
			"php artisan vendor:publish --provider=\"Ads\\AjaxCrud\\AjaxCrudServiceProvider\" --tag=partials --force",
			"php artisan vendor:publish --provider=\"Ads\\AjaxCrud\\AjaxCrudServiceProvider\" --tag=commands --force",


composer update

Step 2: Publish the necessary files

Add the service provider to config/app.php:



php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ads\AjaxCrud\AjaxCrudServiceProvider"

Step 3: Add the command to the app/Console/Kernel.php to use in command line:


Step 4: Set up the location to the AjaxCrud plugin

If you are using Bower, there is no need to modify to config file, simply add this line to your bower.json file:

"ajax_crud": "git@github.com:DavidVranish/AjaxCrud.git"

If you are not going to use Bower to, you need to modify the config file to point to the location of AjaxCrud[.min].js file:

For example:

  'ajax_crud_js_path' => '/js/ajax_crud/js/AjaxCrud.min.js',

Step 5: Add HTML dependencies to your master layout blade file:



<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset(config('ajaxCrud.ajax_crud_js_path')) }}"></script>

Step 6: You can now create scaffolding through the php artisan command line:

php artisan make:crud --controllerPrefix=[Vendor] --crudModel=[Contact]

The controller prefix is the capitalized prefix for the controller that will handle the CRUD request, the model name is the capitalized name of the primary model being edited