
Files generated by the svd2ada utility for the SAMV71 line of MCUs

Primary LanguageAda

Command used to generate these files:

svd2ada ../svd/ATSAMV71Q21B.svd --boolean -o src -p SAM_SVD --base-types-package HAL --gen-uint-always

svd2ada                               # The command-line tool
../svd/ATSAMV71Q21B.svd               # The input SVD file
--boolean                             # Represent single-bit fields as Booleans
-o src                                # Output directory
-p SAM_SVD                            # The root package name for the generated spec hierarchy
--base-types-package HAL              # Use base types from the HAL package
--gen-uint-always                     # Generate UInt* for base types; do not use the Bit and Byte variants

The original svd files can be found here.