
Automatic control network generation

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Automated sparse control network generation to support photogrammetric control of planetary image data.


Is available at: https://usgs-astrogeology.github.io/autocnet/

Installation Instructions

We suggest using Anaconda Python to install Autocnet within a virtual environment. These steps will walk you through the process.

  1. Download and install the Python 3.x Miniconda installer. Respond Yes when prompted to add conda to your BASH profile.
  2. Install the autocnet environment using the supplied environment.yml file: conda env create -n autocnet -f environment.yml
  3. Activate your environment: conda activate autocnet
  4. If you are doing to develop autocnet or would like to use the bleeding edge version: python setup.py develop. Otherwise, conda install -c usgs-astrogeology autocnet

How to run the test suite locally

  1. Install Docker
  2. Get the Postgresql with Postgis container and run it docker run --name testdb -e POSTGRES_PASSOWRD='NotTheDefault' -e POSTGRES_USER='postgres' -p 5432:5432 -d mdillon/postgis
  3. create database template_postgis: docker exec testdb psql -c 'create database template_postgis;' -U postgres
  4. Run the test suite: pytest autocnet

Simple Network Examples:

Setup a project

This first example imports the NetworkCandidateGraph object, which is used to orchestrate jobs, manage a database session, and generally work with the images, points, and measures in a control network.

from autocnet.graph.network import NetworkCandidateGraph

# Make an empty NCG
ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph()
# Load the configuration file

# Populate the nodes/edges from the DB

Line by line, this code first imports the network candidate graph, a collection of nodes and edges that represents a potential control network. from autocnet.graph.network import NetworkCandidateGraph.

Next, a network candidate graph is instantiated. ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph().

The network candidate graph (or NCG) is assocaited with a collection of PostGreSQL database tables. We have to initiate the database connection via a configuration file. An example configuration file is provided in the config directory. ncg.config_from_file('config/demo.yml')

Once configured, the images need to be loaded and the graph of potential overlapping images generated. We do this with ncg.from_database().

At this point, you have a fully functioning autocnet project using an NCG. The above snippet assumes that a prepopulated database already exists. Keep reading to see how AutoCNet supports importing images from an existing image data store.

Import images from a data store containing image footprints

Autocnet does not assume where your image footprints are coming from for initial setup. We do assume that you have a prepopulated database of image footprints with a geom column. Otherwise, you could use any software to create image footprints and populate the footprint database.

To initialize a project from a data store of image footprints we can do the following:

# These lines are pulled from the example above
from autocnet.graph.network import NetworkCandidateGraph

ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph()

# Create the connection 
source_db_config = {'username':'jay',

# Subset the data store using a spatial query.
geom = 'LINESTRING(145 10, 145 10.25, 145.25 10.25, 145.25 10, 145 10)'
srid = 949900
outpath = '/scratch/some/path/for/data'
query = f"SELECT * FROM ctx WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom, ST_Polygon(ST_GeomFromText('{geom}'), {srid})) = TRUE"
ncg.add_from_remote_database(source_db_config, outpath, query_string=query)

Here we create an NCG as above. Then we define a new database connection with the name of the database from which data will be extracted. `source_db_config = {'username':'jay', 'password':'abcde', 'host':'localhost', 'pgbouncer_port':5432, 'name':'someothertable'}.

In this example, we want to use a spatial query to subset the data. We could also use an attribute query or some combination. The only restriction is that the quert string be valid SQL. geom = 'LINESTRING(145 10, 145 10.25, 145.25 10.25, 145.25 10, 145 10)'

The PostGIS query requires a valid SRID for the input geometry, so we explicitly define that here. This is the SRID that the footprints are being stored in inside of the data store. srid = 949900 The srid here is a custom srid that has been added to the data store spatial reference table; the id can be any arbitrary number as long as it exists in the spatial reference table.

The add_from_remote_database call copies the image files in the source database into a new directory. Here we define that directory. outpath = '/scratch/some/path/for/data'.

The query string is then constructed: query = f"SELECT * FROM ctx WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom, ST_Polygon(ST_GeomFromText('{geom}'), {srid})) = TRUE"

Finally, our database associated with the NCG is populated and the image data are copied. ncg.add_from_remote_database(source_db_config, outpath, query_string=query)

Creating a NCG Using a Filelist

It is also possible to create a NCG and instantiate an associated database from a list of ISIS cube files that have had footprints created (using footprintinit).

from autocnet.graph.network import NetworkCandidateGraph

ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph.from_filelist(myimages.lis)

This method can take a bit of time to run if the filelist is large as the data are loaded into the database sequentially and then a spatial overlay operation is performed to determine how individual images overlap with one another (using the footprints generated from the a priori sensor pointing.)

Operations on the NCG: Database Rows

After we have an NCG, we want to perform operations on the graph or on database rows associated with the graph (e.g., the Points, Measures, or Image Overlaps). We use a functional approach where an arbitray function can be applied to an iterable associated with the graph. Here is a concrete example to help illustrate what this looks like in practice.

from autocnet.graph.network import NetworkCandidateGraph

ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph()

# Define a function to govern the distribution of points in the North/South direction
def ns(x):
    from math import ceil
    return ceil(round(x,1)*8)

# Define a function to govern the distribution of points in the East/West direction
def ew(x):
    from math import ceil
    return ceil(round(x,1)*1)

# Pack a set of kwargs into a keyword that the called function is expecting
distribute_points_kwargs = {'nspts_func':ns, 'ewpts_func':ew}

# Apply a function on an iterable
njobs = ncg.apply('spatial.overlap.place_points_in_overlap', 

Most of the above is either familiar boiler plate or a pair of helper functions that we want to pass in. The interesting stuff is happening in:

njobs = ncg.apply('spatial.overlap.place_points_in_overlap',

Here, we are applying the spatial.overlap.place_points_in_overlap function on an iterable (overlaps) with three keyword arguments (that the function is expecting). The syntax for the function is module.submodule.function_name'. Where the submodule can be repeated, e.g., module.submodule.subsubmodule.function_name.

It is possible to use a similar block to, for example, apply some subpixel registration algorithm:

njobs = ncg.apply('matcher.subpixel.subpixel_register_point', on='points')

or to apply a second pass subpixel alignment on only measures meeting some criteria:

filters = {'ignore' : True}  # A database filter in the form column name : equality
njobs = ncg.apply('matcher.subpixel.subpixel_register_measure',

Operations on the NCG: Nodes and Edges

Just like the above example, it is possible to apply arbitrary functions to nodes and edges in a NetworkCandidateGraph.

ncg = NetworkCandidateGraph()

njobs = ncg.apply('network_to_matches', on='edges')

After the standard boilerplate, the network_to_matches function is applied to every edge in the graph. This function takes the points and measures from the database and expands them so that every edge now has the pairwise (measure-to-measure) information that is frequently quite useful when using computer vision techniques. Note that the function to be called is not longer being specificed with the import path (e.g., spatial.overlap.place_points_in_overla-). Note that the function to be called is no longer being specificed with the import path (e.g., spatial.overlap.place_points_in_overlaps) because only Edge or NetworkEdge methods can be called on the autocnet Edge or NetworkEdge objects.