Place for SNAP CL Workshop

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

A Gentle Introduction to Computational Linguistics in Python (with Google Colab and NLTK)

The material in this repo is intended to serve as a gentle introduction to using Google Colab and NLTK. It assumes no knowledge of Python, the only requirements are a Google account and an active connection to the internet.

To use this material, open the files in the numerical order they are listed. The Colab Notebook Basics file will show you what a Colab notebook is and some basic functionalities. The other numbered files all end in .ipynb because they are saved as Colab Notebooks. To use the files, click on their name and then click on the "Open in Colab" badge that appears at the top. This will open the notebook in Colab for you to work with. Importantly, you should save the notebook to your own Google drive, or else any changes you make will be lost. Have no fear, you will not be able to overwrite the original versions, so you can always come back here and open a new version of the notebook should you like.

(You can skip ahead to the fifth notebook if you want to get your own texts loaded in while going through the other notebooks).

This workshop and material is presented by SNAP, the VUW Hub for Simulation, Numerical Methods, Analytics, and Programming.
