
Workflows, atomic actions, and documentation for SecureX orchestration


Cisco SecureX Orchestration


SecureX Orchestration provides a no-to-low code approach for building automated workflows. These workflows can interact with various types of resources and systems, whether they're from Cisco or a third-party.

Getting Started

To get started with SecureX Orchestration, we recommend checking out our Getting Started page. This page lists helpful resources for learning about SecureX Orchestration and getting this repository configured. If you'd rather skip to getting this repository added to your SecureX instance, keep reading...

Creating the Git Repository for Atomic Actions

  1. In SecureX Orchestration, expand the main menu and click on Admin and then Git Repositories
  2. Click on the New Git Repository button (or click on the existing repository you want to update)
  3. Provide a name for the repository (suggested: CiscoSecurity_Atomics)
  4. Set No Account Keys to True
  5. Fill in the Git information:
    • Protocol: HTTPS
    • REST API Repository Type: GitHub
    • REST API Repository: api.github.com/repos/CiscoSecurity/sxo-05-security-workflows
    • Branch: Main
    • Code Path: Atomics
  6. Click Submit

Creating the Git Repository for Workflows

  1. In SecureX Orchestration, expand the main menu and click on Admin and then Git Repositories
  2. Click on the New Git Repository button (or click on the existing repository you want to update)
  3. Provide a name for the repository (suggested: CiscoSecurity_Workflows)
  4. Set No Account Keys to True
  5. Fill in the Git information:
    • Protocol: HTTPS
    • REST API Repository Type: GitHub
    • REST API Repository: api.github.com/repos/CiscoSecurity/sxo-05-security-workflows
    • Branch: Main
    • Code Path: Workflows
  6. Click Submit

Next Steps

Once you have your repositories configured, you can start importing content!

Continue Reading...


All content in this repository is provided AS-IS under the Cisco Sample Code License.