
Lovelace card showing air quality data from AirVisual

MIT LicenseMIT

Air Visual Card


This is a Home Assistant Lovelace card that uses the AirVisual Sensor to provide air quality index (AQI) data and creates a card like the ones found on AirVisual website. Requires the AirVisual Sensor to be setup. Tested with Yahoo and Darksky Weather component.


  • Card colors and icons change depending on AQI level


Name Type Default Description
air_pollution_level string Required Name of the Air Pollution Level sensor created by Airvisual component.
air_quality_index string Required Name of the Air Quality Index sensor created by Airvisual component.
main_pollutant string Required Name of the Main Pollutant sensor created by Airvisual component.
temp string Optional Name of the temperature sensor or weather entity, such as 'weather.yweather' or 'sensor.yweather_temperature'
city string Optional Name of the city that AirVisual is collecting AQI data from.
svg_location string Optional The directory where the .svg files are located. For example, "svg_location: "/local/icons/aqi_icons" is appropriate. Files should be named as 'ic-face-1.svg,' 'ic-face-2.svg,', to 6.


  1. Install the AirVisual sensor and confirm AQI, APL, and Main Pollutant sensors are created, like below.


  1. Download the AirVisual Card
  2. Place the file in your config/www folder
  3. Include the card code in the Resources section of your ui-lovelace-card.yaml
  - url: /local/air-visual-card.js
    type: js
  1. Write configuration for the card in your ui-lovelace.yaml and list your AirVisual sensors. An example is provided below:
  - type: custom:air-visual-card
    air_pollution_level: sensor.us_air_pollution_level
    air_quality_index: sensor.us_air_quality_index
    main_pollutant: sensor.us_main_pollutant
    temp: weather.yweather
    city: 'San Francisco'
  1. Restart Home Assistant to load the card.

  2. Optional: If you wish to use the .svg icons found on airvisual.com, then download the icons here.

  3. Save the icons in a directory in Home Assistant, such as ''/local/icons/aqi_icons"

  4. Update the card configuration in ui-lovelace.yaml to include the following (use directory name in step #7):

     svg_location: "/local/icons/aqi_icons"


  • The card doesn't show the temperature properly

    Let me know which weather provider you are using and I'll try to fix the issue. I have only tested with the Yahoo! Weather component. Optionally, if you create a template sensor that reports the temperature as its state, you can use that sensor as for the temp config.

  • This card doesn't work in Fully Kiosk Browser on Amazon Fire tablets. Why?

    This card uses a new CSS function, CSS Grid Layout, which was implemented in October 2018, and isn't compatible with browsers using old versions of Android WebView. That's my guess anyways.


I am studying programming as a hobby and this is my first set of Home Assistant projects. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Javascript and relied on studying other Lovelace custom cards to write this. Suggestions are welcome but no promises if I can fix anything! If you're familiar with CSS, then you can edit the CSS style in the .js file directly.
