
Demonstrates a login bypass attack against a sample MongoDB/NodeJS application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

 _______  ____ ____  _____                   
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|_|   |_|\____)_|_|_|_____)                  
 _______          _                  _       
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|_|   |_|\___/   |_______)___/ \___ |_|_| |_|

by Websecurify (pdp)

The following application, written on top of MongoDB and NodeJS, demonstrates a simple but not too obvious vulnerability in the this particular technology stack that can be used to successfully bypass the login prompt.

System Requirements

You will need docker installed and fully functional.

How To Build

Run the following command:

make docker-build

How To Use

Run the following command:

make docker-run

The application will be available on localhost:49090.