rxmd has been developed to simulate large-scale Reactive Force Field molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on from commodity laptops to high-end supercomputing platforms. rxmd has been used in a various class of material studies, such as shock-induced chemical reactions, stress corrosion cracking, underwater bubble collapse, fracture of self-healing ceramics and oxidation of nanoparticles.
rxmd is designed to be simple, portable and minimally dependent on 3rd party library. You will need 1) a Fortran compiler that supports OpenMP, and 2) MPI (Message Passing Interface) library for parallel and distributed simulation. Modern Fortran compilers natively support OpenMP, and you can find many freely available MPI libraries online. Please refer to MPI library developer website about how to install their library.
rxmd has been tested on following environments.
GNU Fortran (GCC) 6.1.0
Intel Fortran (IFORT) 17.0.4
IBM XL Fortran V14.1
OpenMPI 1.8.8
Cray Mpich 7.6.0
To get started, clone this repository to your computer.
~$ git clone https://github.com/USCCACS/rxmd.git
Frist, change working directory to rxmd/
~$ cd rxmd
you will see following files and directories.
rxmd $ ls
DAT/ conf/ ffield regtests/ src/ util/
Makefile.inc doc/ init/ rxmd.in unittests/
Here, two directories, src/ and init/, are especially important for you. src/ contains all rxmd source codes and init/ has a program and input files to generate an initial configurations for simulation.
There are two Makefile files Makefile.inc and init/Makefile that you might need to modify according to your computing environment.
Makefile.inc defines which compiler you like to use to build the rxmd executable. We have several predefined compiler settings in Makefile.inc. Please enable the macro FC for the Fortran compiler and compiler flags you want to use. Also do not forget disable macros you don't want to use.
init/Makefile is used to build software to generate intial configuration, called geninit. Any Fortran or MPI compiler that supports the stream I/O can be used here.
Example 1) Linux Computer with Intel Compiler
Many HPC centers have Intel Fortran compiler and its MPI binding installed. If this is the case, enable following lines in Makefile.inc and init/Makefile.
- Makefile.inc
# Intel Compiler
FC = mpif90 -O3
- init/Makefile
FC = ifort
Example 2) BlueGene/Q
IBM provides Fortran XL Compiler and MPI library for BlueGene Series. Please enable following lines in Makefile.inc and init/Makefile.
- Makefile.inc
# xl fortran
FC = mpif90 -O3 -qhot
- init/Makefile
FC = xlf
Next step is to generate initial MD geometry. Type the make command shown below.
rxmd $ make -C init/
This compiles the standalone application geninit, read a geometry file (init.xyz by default) in init/ directory, replicate the geometry and save the entire initial MD geometry into rxff.bin file, and then place rxff.bin file in DAT/ directory.
Type the command below to build the rxmd executable.
rxmd $ make -C src/
Check to see if you the rxmd executable and the initial geomerty input DAT/rxff.bin in place, then you are ready to start a simulation.
rxmd $ ls
DAT/ conf/ ffield regtests/ rxmd.in unittests/
Makefile.inc doc/ init/ rxmd* src/ util/
rxmd $ ls DAT/
Default input parameters are set to run a single process job. In rxmd.in, the parameter vprocs defines how many MPI ranks in x, y, and z directions. Make sure you have 1 1 1 here.
rxmd $ grep vprocs rxmd.in
1 1 1 <vprocs>
To run single MPI rank job on a typical Linux computer, you can simply type
rxmd $ ./rxmd
How to run a multi process job depends on which MPI library you use, but most likely mpirun just works for you.
rxmd $ mpirun -np nprocessors ./rxmd
If you see following outputs, congratulations! You have everything working.
rxmd $ ./rxmd
rxmd has started
req/alloc # of procs: 1 / 1
req proc arrengement: 1 1 1
parameter set:Reactive MD-force field: nitramines (RDX/HMX/TATB/PETN)
time step[fs]: 2.50E-01
isQEq,QEq_tol,NMAXQEq,qstep: 1 1.0E-07 500 1
Lex_fqs,Lex_k: 1.000 2.000
treq,vsfact,sstep: 300.000 1.000 100
fstep,pstep: 100 10
LBOX: 1.000 1.000 1.000
Hmatrix [A]: 13.180 0.000 0.000
Hmatrix [A]: 0.000 11.570 0.000
Hmatrix [A]: 0.000 0.000 10.710
lata,latb,latc: 13.180 11.570 10.710
lalpha,lbeta,lgamma: 90.000 90.000 90.000
density [g/cc]: 1.8061
# of linkedlist cell: 4 3 3
maxrc, lcsize [A]: 3.160 3.29 3.86 3.57
# of linkedlist cell (NB): 4 3 3
lcsize [A] (NB): 3.29 3.86 3.57
FFPath, DataDir, ParmPath: ffield DAT rxmd.in
# of atoms per type: 24 - 1 48 - 2 48 - 3 48 - 4
nstep TE PE KE: 1-Ebond 2-(Elnpr,Eover,Eunder) 3-(Eval,Epen,Ecoa) 4-(Etors,Econj) 5-Ehbond 6-(Evdw,EClmb,Echarge)
0 -9.82464E+01 -9.82464E+01 0.00000E+00 -1.369E+02 1.287E+00 -1.362E+00 5.208E-01 -1.398E-03 3.821E+01 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 0.36 0.23
10 -9.82465E+01 -9.82467E+01 2.32025E-04 -1.369E+02 1.290E+00 -1.364E+00 5.214E-01 -1.397E-03 3.821E+01 0.08 0.00 -0.00 32 0.36 0.27
20 -9.82466E+01 -9.82471E+01 4.80178E-04 -1.369E+02 1.287E+00 -1.366E+00 5.202E-01 -1.408E-03 3.821E+01 0.16 0.00 -0.00 4 0.36 0.25
total (sec): 2.9980 2.9980
rxmd successfully finished
To learn more about rxmd, please refer to RXMD Manual.
This project is licensed under the GPU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Mechanochemistry of shock-induced nanobubble collapse near silica in water K. Nomura, R. K. Kalia, A. Nakano, and P. Vashishta, Applied Physics Letters 101, 073108: 1-4 (2012)
Structure and dynamics of shock-induced nanobubble collapse in water M. Vedadi, A. Choubey, K. Nomura, R. K. Kalia, A. Nakano, P. Vashishta, and A. C. T. van Duin, Physical Review Letters 105, 014503: 1-4 (2010)
Embrittlement of metal by solute segregation-induced amorphization H. Chen,R. K. Kalia, E. Kaxiras, G. Lu, A. Nakano, K. Nomura, A. C. T. van Duin, P. Vashishta, and Z. Yuan, Physical Review Letters 104, 155502: 1-4 (2010)
Metascalable molecular dynamics simulation of nano-mechano-chemistry F. Shimojo, R. K. Kalia, A. Nakano, K. Nomura, and P. Vashishta, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 294204: 1-9 (2008)
A scalable parallel algorithm for large-scale reactive force-field molecular dynamics simulations K. Nomura, R. K. Kalia, A. Nakano, and P. Vashishta, Computer Physics Communications 178, 73-87 (2008)