
Capture and analyze SQL queries made during a run of your app's test suite

Primary LanguagePython


CI status PyPI version

Capture and analyze SQL queries made during a run of your app's test suite.

Receive feedback about dubious queries in a PR comment.

How it works

Phase 1: Query collection

This phase hooks into your test suite and records any database queries captured by OpenTelementry instrumentation. If your database adapter is not already instrumented then you will need to set that up as part of your test suite initialization.

NOTE: This step only has Python language support at the moment! However, it's a simple wrapper around OpenTelemetry which could be ported to any other language with OpenTelemetry support.

Example using pytest and psycopg2:

# example conftest.py

from sqlcritic.collector import Collector

collector = Collector()

def pytest_sessionstart(session):
    # only necessary if your app is not already instrumented
    # Psycopg2 here is just an example - there is auto instrumentation for lots
    # of different database adapters
    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2 import Psycopg2Instrumentor

def pytest_runtest_call(item):
    path, line, name = item.reportinfo()

    with collector.trace_test(path, line, name):

def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):

Phase 2: Analysis

The analysis of queries collected during your test suite happens in a GitHub action. Make sure to run this step after your test suite has run and outputted the queries results (i.e. in results.json for example).

- uses: scttnlsn/sql-critic@main
    repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    data-path: "results.json"

    # provide this if you'd like analyses based on explained query plans
    # (typically you'd connect to your test database after the test suite runs)
    db-url: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres"

The results will be posted as a PR comment in the repo utilizing this action.


  • N+1 - detects potential N+1 queries that can be common when using ORMs
  • Sequential scans - detects queries that involve potential sequential scans over an entire table
    • this requires you provide a db-url input and preserve the schema in your test database after your test suite runs
    • TODO: need better heuristics here about which scans are acceptable vs. problematic
  • Missing index - detects when a query's where conditions are missing an acceptable index
    • this also requires you provide a db-url input so that sql-critic can query for the set of available indexes
    • TODO: do something similar for order by



python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e ".[dev]"


docker-compose up -d # starts a Postgres service
python -m pytest


When dependencies are updated in pyproject.toml then we need to regenerate requirements.txt (which is used for the GitHub action):

pip-compile pyproject.toml


pip install build twine
make publish