
E-Voting DApp project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


E-Voting DApp project

Download the package.

To run the app you must:

1- Open windows powershell

(or linux bash)

2- Go to the project dir.

($ cd ../eVoting_DApp)

3- Open Ganache

and start a local server (Port 8545)

4- Digit "$ npm install" in your terminal

to install the packages required by the app. It make takes a couple of minutes due to the huge amount of packages.

5- Digit "$ truffle migrate --reset" in your terminal

to mount the code on the blockchain (Ganache).

6- Digit "$ npm start run " in your terminal

to start the web server

7- Wait for the server to be loaded

It will automatically opens your browser.


Once loaded, you will need the start your crypto wallet, like Metamask. Set your wallet account on localhost (same port as Ganache). Every transaction (Vote or Candidature) will ask to your wallet for confirmation.


To vote you must insert your ID (whatever) and your preference. Giving a non-existing or wrong name, will count as a null vote. If you don't see vote count changes, try refresh your webpage, they should appear.