
SAM (install from here)

How to set up PyCharm

  1. git pull
  2. Open in PyCharm
  3. Open Preferences, go to Project:<project name> -> Project interpreter, click the gear, and "Add"
  4. Add a Virtualenv environment, click "Apply" and "OK"
  5. In Preferences, go to Tools -> Python Integrated Tools, and set the Package Requirements File
  6. When prompted (you may need to open a code file), "Install Requirements"

How to develop

Main loop

  • Make code changes
  • Update with ./
    • If you have changed dependencies, you'll instead need to rebuild with sam build -u (-u helps because it gets around Python version mismatches. Or you can mangle your PATH - your choice)
  • Run locally with ./
  • TODO - figure out attaching a debugger. I suspect I need the following snippet:
import ptvsd

# Enable ptvsd on address and on port 5890 that we'll connect later with our IDE
ptvsd.enable_attach(address=('', 5890), redirect_output=True)

How to test

pytest .