
Python script to send Blue Iris motion detection alerts via Pushover

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pushover Blue Iris Integration

Python script to send Blue Iris v5 motion detection alerts with an attached image to Pushover.

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Blue Iris Configuration

  1. Open settings for camera you want to receive notifications from
  2. On Trigger tab: Check 'Capture an alert list image', and 'Store alert images as hi-res files'
    1. This setting is required for the &ALERT_PATH macro to work. Without it you'll get a notification without the alert image
  3. On Alerts tab: Click 'On alert...' button
  4. In Action set window press the + and choose 'Run a program or script'
    1. For File: Choose this python script
    2. For Parameters set it exactly to: "%X %x" "&CAM" "&ALERT_PATH"

  5. Repeat for each camera you want to receive notifications from

Step 2: Required Script Configuration in alert_notify.py

  1. P_USER, P_TOKEN: Pushover User Key, and API Token/Key
  2. ALERT_DIR: Directory where alert images are saved.
    1. You can find this path in Blue Iris Settings --> 'Clips and archiving' tab --> Clicking on 'Alerts' in the Folders section