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  • bitget, available in the us, maker 0.1% taker 0.1%
  • bitmart, U.S. customers can trade on BitMart, but the exchange's Earn and Lending products are unavailable to users in the United States.
  • Due to regulations and internal policies, the access to BitMart services is currently not available for users from the following countries and areas: ...the State of New York
  • Bitmex, not available to U.S. customers: BitMEX is not regulated in the United States and is not available to U.S. customers.
  • binanceus, maker 0.3800%, taker 0.5700%
  • Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US, ...
  • Kraken, ... do NOT allow New York residents to sign up.
  • OKX is not available in the United States
  • woo x is not available in the us.
  • kraken, maker 0.16% taker 0.26% in spot, opening fee 0.02%, 0.02% per 4 hours in margin.
  • bithumb, krw market, 0.04 maker 0.25 taker. btc market free fee!
  • bitstamp, maker 0.30% taker 0.40%.
  • bitfinex, maker 0.1%, taker 0.2%
  • cex.io, maker 0.15%, taker 0.25%
  • poloniex, maker 0.1150%, taker 0.0805%
  • bittrex-global, maker 0.1%, taker 0.15%
exchange available maker taker etc
bitfinex kr,not us 0.1 0.2
poloniex kr,not us 0.2 0.2
bithumb na 0.04 0.25 btc market free fee!
cex.io yes 0.15 0.25
gemini yes 0.10 0.30
bitstamp yes 0.30 0.40
coinbase yes 0.25 0.40
coinbase-one yes free free
binanceus yes 0.38 0.57
binance no 0.10 0.10
bitmart not in ny na na
bitget no 0.1 0.1
Bitmex no na na
bybit no 0.02(perp) 0.055(perp)
bybit no 0.10(spot) 0.10(spot)
Kraken not in ny 0.16 0.26 opening fee 0.02%, 0.02% per 4 hours in margin.
okx no na na
woo x no na na
bittrex-global no 0.1 0.15