
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




  1. Grab either the installer or standalone binary from https://github.com/scullionw/iracing-pace/releases

Running GUI from source

  1. Install python 3

  2. Install poetry (https://poetry.eustace.io/docs/)

  3. Install dependencies

     poetry install
  4. Navigate to gui directory

     cd iracing_pace\gui
  5. Run build system

     poetry run fbs run

Command line tool

Usage example

  1. Install python 3

  2. Install poetry (https://poetry.eustace.io/docs/)

  3. Get iracing subsession id from results page (in url, or hovering on results icon)

  4. Example

     poetry run python iracing_pace/main.py 27808306 --maxpos 10 --maxdelta 3 --title "Tsukuba Circuit"


    λ poetry run python iracing_pace/main.py --help
    usage: main.py [-h] [--maxpos MAXPOS] [--maxdelta MAXDELTA] [--violin]
            [--reset] [--interactive] [--title TITLE]

    Analyse pace from iracing race session

    positional arguments:
    subsession           Subsession ID

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help           show this help message and exit
    --maxpos MAXPOS      Minimum race position
    --maxdelta MAXDELTA  Maximum lap time delta to fastest lap
    --violin             Use violin plot instead
    --reset              Reset credentials
    --interactive        Interactive graph instead of saving to file
    --title TITLE        Title of race