Ratpack is micro web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra. It is implemented in pure Java on top of Netty, but has specific support for Groovy and Gradle. It is not a J2EE solution.
Note: Older (pre 0.7, non compatible) versions of Ratpack can be found here.
- Minimalistic, light, API
- Self contained (no container necessary)
- Async IO at the networking layer via Netty (i.e. not a thread-per-connection model)
- Dependency injection via Google Guice
- Extensibility (entire stack composition is done through overridable Guice modules)
- Groovy DSL support (i.e. app in a script)
- Latest Groovy 2 features for improved IDE intellisense
- Development time hot reloading (via SpringSource's SpringLoaded)
- Gradle plugin for development and packaging support, including advanced IntelliJ IDEA support
If you're interested in getting involved, please take a look at some of the outstanding issues and comment away.